Linnaeus the Living Statue

Start from the beginning

He writes again. "Your father did a great many things. He did make me after all."

" are you like this?"

The Gentleman simply shrugs at me.

"He's been working on you for over eighteen years," I whisper in awe. "Did he know you could do this?"

He writes again. "I'm not sure when this happened myself."

"I see," I whisper. I look at him from toe to top hat. "Forgive me for staring, I just can't believe it. This must be what Clara felt like when the Nutcracker came alive?"

He scrawls hurriedly on the paper. "The WHAT now?"

I chuckle. "It's a story, it's a famous ballet too though. It's about a girl and the nutcracker she is given at Christmas."

"Please, dear, I do not know what a nutcracker is but it sounds terrifying!" He writes on the paper.

I smirk and chuckle. "It's a type of toy. You use it to crack nuts."


I snort and start to laugh. "No! No! Nuts, like in food?"

"I don't care for cracking of any sort." He then shows me his hand where it looks like his two middle fingers have been glued back on. "Your father's ass had a way of knocking things over." He writes to me.

I touch his hand and smooth my fingers along the ridges. "He did that at home too," I tell him. "Mom had to buy plastic cups."

He lifts the pad up again. "I will miss him. I am sorry for your loss." He then squeezes my hand.

I smile at him. "It will be ok. I have a feeling he meant for me to find you like this."

He swishes his finger in front of his face, making the shape of a smile. He then writes again. "I do think you should get some sleep."

I shake my head. "I can try, but I do not think I will be able to."

He takes me by the hand again and leads me back to the small bedroom. He tucks me into bed and pats my head. He then writes, "I will be here when you wake up if that is what you are worried about."

I smile and sigh. "Maybe a little."

"Good night, now," he writes.

"Good night," I murmur as he turns out the light.

I lay there, staring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. "Thank you, papa," I whisper, falling asleep shortly after.

I wake up to feeling something patting my cheek over and over. I grumble and stretch, looking up into the Gentleman's hollow face.

He taps his wrist and then wags his finger at me.

"Did I oversleep?" I rub my eyes as I sit up.

He nods and hands me a cup of coffee.

"How did you..." I stare at it before I take a sip. It's actually really good.

He lifts up the paper, and I see a long note written on it. "Good morning! Or at least it would be a good morning had you wake up when you were supposed to. It is now rather late in the day, and I know you have work to do. If it is not a bother to you, I would like to try and help you clean up the studio. I know your father wanted you to continue on and become your own rising star in the art world. I know you are talented and I am very eager to see what you can accomplish. But for that to happen, you need to wake up!"

I smile at his note before he takes it away. "Good morning to you too. This coffee is wonderful, thank you." I stand up off the bed and stretch. My back pops, and he jumps back. "What?" I ask him.

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