New world order

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BILL: Well then... what do we have here?

TROY: Watch out Bill, that little bastard killed Antoine!

Bill turned to look at the corpse on the ground, the light from the flare dying down at it sizzled in Antoine's throat. Bill raised a brow and turned his attention to Shawn who jumped slightly. As the two mad eye contact, Bill offered the boy a smile as he couched down, his gravely voice taking a calming and disarming tone as he spoke

BILL: Looks like you've gotten yourself into quite a mess, kid. That's a pretty gruesome way to go about killing someone, don't you think?

SHAWN: I-It was an accident

BILL: Course it was

TROY: No way, no fucking way, Bill. You can't seriously be thinking about...

BILL: Troy... Shut up, would you?

Troy did as he was told, Immediately noticing the seriousness in Bill's voice. Bill shook his head, chuckling to himself before he continued to address Shawn, his tone steady and composed...

BILL: You see that? That right there is discipline, It's power. Most anybody whose got power nowadays doesn't even know how to use it, how to manage it. Times like this you've gotta ask yourself something kiddo, like "Why doesn't Troy here just take his gun, and put a round to the back of his skull" Now go ahead, ask...

SHAWN: (Nervously) W-Why?

BILL: Respect. Now watch this next part. Troy!

TROY: Yes sir!

Bill reached down and pulled his own gun from it's holster and turned the safety off. The action made both Shawn and Troy's blood run cold.

BILL: I want to know exactly what happened before I arrived. This kid... Hmm? Say uh, what's your name squirt?

SHAWN: Shawn...

Bill gave an exaggerated nod before continuing 

BILL: Our new friend Shawn here, is gonna fact check your little story, and if it don't add up, well... I'll let you use your imagination

Now Troy's heart was pounding in his chest. No matter what words left his mouth next, if it wasn't cosigned by Shawn, he was a dead man. He now found himself at the mercy of the child he and his former partner were just either beating, and or were about to kill. He turned to Shawn with pleading eyes until his attention was drawn back to Bill's with an audible snapping of the fingers...

BILL: Don't look at him, look at me

TROY: I-It was a complete misunderstanding Bill. We...


TROY: Antoine and I, we were scouting, just like you asked us to, a-and then we stumbled up on this place. We didn't get to check much of the place before we spotted the kid...

BILL: Shawn, his name is Shawn, Troy. Now continue

TROY: When we spotted Shawn, he must have assumed we were or threat or something, because that's when he tried to pull his gun out, and Antoine drew his, I disarmed him and then... I punched him

 BILL: Where?

TROY: I-In the stomach sir. I tried questioning him, you know, to see if he was running with a group. Antoine started going through the kid's shit while I was doing that, that's when Shawn got angry bit my hand, tried to attack, and then...

Troy motioned to Antoine's body. Carver nodded slowly before turning back to Shawn

BILL: Tell me something brat, is this true? Troy here wouldn't lie to me, would he?

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