“I was just asking. So, did you?” I shook my head,

            “I wanted to tell him first, but I should have known Mer couldn’t keep a secret from you.” As we entered the room, Derek handed me the chart and I read it off.

            “Michael Reed, 15, suffers from constant epilepsy.” Derek nods at me,

            “Yep, you gotta love those seizures.” The guy jokes with me as Derek starts doing the typical checkup.

            “Dr. Grey, what’s the name of the procedure we’ll be doing?” I look at Derek,

            “Corpus Callosotomy.”


            “What exactly is that doc?” The boy asks while looking from Derek then back at me.

            “Dr. Grey?” Derek says in a voice that indicates I should explain it.

            “Well, we will go in and split both the hemispheres of your brain.”

            “And this will stop my seizures?” Michael asks with a slight smile of excitement.

            “Yes, it should.” I say with a smile.

            “Then sign me up.”

            “There will be some side effects to this surgery, of course. Unfortunately this will cause your left hemisphere and right hemisphere to act on their own.” I look at Michael who’s giving me a confused face.

            “There’s something called alien hand syndrome, which can cause your hands to act on their own without you telling it to. And there is also a chance you might have a slight speech impairment.”

            “Well I guess all those are better than this…” Michael began to speak, but suddenly he began shaking and jolting; he was having a seizure. Derek quickly pushed the red button on the wall before we both assisted him.

            “Okay, we need to get him to an OR. These epilepsies could kill him.” I nod as Michael starts stabilizing.

            “We’re still waiting on his parent’s consent though.” I inform Derek.

            “Find them and get it. I’ll take him to the OR and once you’ve gotten it, come down and scrub in.” I nod as I leave the room and ask one of the nurses to find his parent’s number.

            Once I got the parents into the hospital to quickly sign the consent form, I head on down to the OR and scrub in.

            When work was over, I met up with Mark in which he kissed me before we did anything else.

            “How was your day?” He asked while we headed out the door.

            “It was great. I got to do a corpus callosotomy.” I smile widely and Mark’s eyebrows go up.

            “Wow, you don’t get to do one of those everyday.” I nod.

            “How was your day?”

            “It was okay. I did a breast reduction.”

            “You don’t sound too happy about that.” He shrugs,

            “I’d prefer if they were enlarging them.” He teases me in which I playfully hit his arm.

            “Well, because of that comment, I won’t tell you this secret that I’ve been keeping.” Mark gasped,

            “No! You have to tell me, cause now I’m curious.” I laugh. I always loved teasing Mark, especially when it made him curious.  We get into the car and head over to the restaurant.

            “Are you gonna tell me now?” Mark asks as he turns to look at me.

            “Nope.” I tease him again.

            “Oh c’mon. When will you tell me?”

            “When I feel its right.” I smile at him before we arrive and head in. As we sit down, Mark looks at me while I look at the menu.

            “Is there a reason you’re staring at me like a creep?” I ask him before putting my menu down.

            “You’re just gorgeous.” He says and right as I pick up the menu again, Mark reaches over and starts tickling me. I squeal loudly and start laughing.

            “Oh my god! Mark!” I almost drop the menu as I try pushing his hand away.

            “Are you gonna tell me?” I giggle uncontrollably as I try talking.

            “What was that?” He teases as people start staring at us.

            “Okay! I’ll spill.” I say while trying to catch my breath. Mark pulls his hand away and smirks.

            “Now you got everyone staring. We’re at a fancy restaurant, Mark.” I tease him as he moves his hand close to me again.

            “No, no more tickling.” I whine softly. Before I can tell him the big secret, the waiter comes by and takes our orders. But when ordering drinks, I think my choice gave the secret away.

            “Lex?” Mark asked a bit suspicious.


            “Are you?” I smile widely and nod.

            “Yep, I’m pregnant.” Mark sits there in shock, but not for long because he leans close and kisses me.

            “This is so exciting! You’re…” He shakes his head and corrects himself.

            “WE’RE having a baby.” I nod happily as we share another kiss. 

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