Chapter 3

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Everything hurts it's like his system is on fire he can't function properly his processor hurts like slag

He slowly turn online the first thing he notice is that his vision is different he see green everywhere he thought his optics are melfuntion until he remembered what happen to him

That makes him sit up in panick but a huge headache came to his processor making him groan in pain and grab his helm trying to comfort his hurting processor

He feel tired and exhusted his green optics shine through the dark of his cell he feel drunk yet he haven't even drink any oil or energon

He heard a door opening making him look who it is and saw the same mech that did this to him

He would usually glare at the mech or began to shout at him to let him go but he can't bring himself to do anything his too tired and exhusted the only thing he can do is to stare at him blankly

The mech look at him as to analyze him he begin to smirk as he got his datapad and began to type on it

"it seems it work not that quick but it's start to get work......hmm maybe if i add more then it will complete the transformation"he said his thoughts out loud as he went to the monitors and began typing

Bumblebee didn't know what's going on but he can't bring himself to care he knew it isn't good he have to do something but his own self is preventing him bumblebee stare at his own servos as he began to look at them

"oh little guy~" he heard a voice said as he look and it's the same mech holding the same syringe with a smirk in his faceplate

"time for upgrading you'll love it" he said as he press a button and the bars dissapeard and walk closer to bumblebee while bumblebee stare at him he felt himself start to get scared as he back away

The mech saw his fear it pleased him making his smirk turn into a grin

"don't worry minibot this won't hurt a thing" he said and walk closer to bee

Optimus start to get worried it's now morning but bumblebee still isn't came back from his drive it's been already so long

Bulkhead began to panick but he tried to calm himself down while ratchet suggest to optimus that they should began to search for him now

Optimus was about to say something until he heard a call they look and it came from captain fanzone he accept the call then a screen appeared with fanzone in the screen looking serious

"optimus.....we need your help"

"are you sure a human can done this?" ask bulkhead with shock the building infront of them is a electronic store but it's all destroyed as if some wild animal just break in and went in feral

"I'm sure a human couldn't have done this but....." he stop in his sentence as he look at them ratchet notice his stare as he quickly protest

"hey we didn't do this and plus how can we do-"

Optimus stop ratchet as he look at the human

"when did this happen?" he ask as the human answered

"well according to the security cameras it happen in the middle of a night it's too dark to see who it was but all i saw in the cameras are these green glowing eyes and those eyes are not eyes but the ones that are similar to yours" he said as he point at them

That makes them look at eachother in confusion their optics are all blue and plus cybertonian's optics are only red, blue, yellow, cyan, purple, crimson and white there are no green optics

"i see....we'll see what we can do but for now we'll fix the damages first" optimus said as the human just nod and left

"do you's the decepticons?" bulkhead ask as the two look at him

"bulkhead the decepticons are already in jail on cybertron remember? All of them are lock up there is no more of them" optimus said while ratchet is lost in his thoughts

"yea but who could have done this? We didn't do this we recharge that time" said bulkhead

"well yea but except bumblebee" said ratchet and that makes them look at him

"bumblebee? But his optics are blue the one that cause this have green optics it couldn't have been bee" said optimus

"yea i know but bumblebee suddenly dissapear last night then never came back.....and then this happen it might be a coincidence but still" said ratchet as bulkhead start to get worried more

"does that mean whoever that bot kidnapped bumblebee?!" he ask with panick

"we cannot be sure yet but i wonder....why a electronic store?" ask optimus

The mech feeling in a good mood today not only the test is success the other experiment also succeed his grin grew wide while looking at the monitors ignoring the noise in the cell as claws got out and tried to get out of the cell growls is heard making the mech to look at the one in the cell

"now now don't be like that....don't worry you'll have your fun again soon~"

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