Chapter 1

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Bumblebee is sitting in the couch with a controller in his servos seem to be playing a game but the TV is on pause as he just stare blankly at the controller his been like this for 2 hours bulkhead on the corner start to get concern he knew his still haven't move on about that all of them are but he is getting worried bumblebee personality changed after that battle his more distant and refuse to take any oil not even some energon only to refuel some in the morning then he won't drink after that

Even Ratchet start to get worried for the kid but how matter he tried to get the kid to refuel but still isn't working until he snap at the other day and shout at him with words that he shouldn't have said now his just ignoring him or starring at him blankly it made ratchet uncomfortable he isn't use to see bumblebee like this he felt guilt and wish he have never said those words he won't even open up to him even when he tried to apologized the kid just walk away or ignore him like he didn't exist it made ratchet mad and guilty at the same time now they are distant to eachother even when bulkhead tried to get them to be back on friends again but bumblebee still ignoring him

Optimus on the other hand just feel exhustion sure the decepticons are now lock up and all but he still feeling exhusted he refuse when ultra magnus offer him to be the next magnus but optimus felt he isn't the worth of that position when he didn't save his teammate his friend but he knew there is nothing he could do and now it isn't the same anymore much things have changed and optimus doesn't like it but he have to accept it and now he have to fix the team but how can he do that if one of them is just starring at him blankly like his just starring at a wall it made optimus frustrated yet feel sympathy but he have to work things out......somehow

Sari is helping her dad on the company but she also tried to spend time with her friends but it isn't like before anymore bumblebee would only let her play with him but his quite and isn't cheering like before he would still drive around for her and talk to him but it's like talking to a brick wall but she knew he only need some time to accept and maybe some therapy might help

Bumblebee is still starring at the TV on pause blankly then he felt a servo in his shouler pad he look who it is and saw optimus looking at him with worry while bulkhead is behind him sari is not here she is probably with her dad and ratchet is probably at his medbay

Bumblebee just stare at optimus he is still haven't use to this even tho it's been 2 months since that battle

"i think you need some fresh drive bee.....since when the last time you take a drive except for driving with sari you know when you want to improve your speed?" ask optimus with a warm smile bumblebee just stare at him then began to think

When is the last time he really speed up on his drive? When he still feel excitement and thinking all fun and rainbows? He then look through his memory files

Oh right it's when before that happen it's been a long time he isn't actually looking forward for it but optimus is his leader after all he needs to listen and plus he start to get bored on this game anyway

He just gave a simple nod as he turn the TV off he then get up and walk out of the building and transformed then drive off

Bulkhead look at optimus in worry while optimus just look at the direction where bumblebee left

"do you think he would....clear his processor?" he ask he knew the answer but still hoping for the answer he want

".....probably not but it may relax him for a while after all his a speedster right? He needs to stretch up his speed and i hope it will relax him even for a short time..... "he said as bulkhead only nod and look down with sadness optimus then vented out deeply he really wished to primus it will

Bumblebee drive off the street across the streets of deroit everything is peaceful with stars shinning in the night sky bumblebee then transformed when he got to the rooftop he like in the rooftop he can see everything up here

He then heard some noise he look and saw a stray cat walking on the edge of the rooftop he wondered how in primus there's a cat in the rooftop then he remembered what prowl told him that cats are flexible unlike to other organics and would able to clime and land perfectly even have nine lives he still believe it

Bumblebee then gave a small smile Heh prowl.....he likes nature and organics especially cats he loved these fluffy little guys too bad he can't pet this one

He tried to pet the little cat as the cat would stare at him with he pet it with his digit the rub gently on the top of the cat as it purr in delight it made bumblebee feel joy and he start to know why prowl is addicted to these fluffy organics bumblebee smile as he continue to rub the cat then the cat stop as it hiss it made bumblebee confused then suddenly he felt a pain in his helm as he immediatley feel drowsy and saw some warning in his view but before he would know what's going on his system shut down and fell on the ground forcing him in stassis

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