Chapter Seven

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Wren didn't anger easily

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Wren didn't anger easily. She never exploded or screamed. However, she did get irritated very easily and would become quite stubborn in such situations. This was one of those instances.

"Pardon?" Wren put down her pastry, her eyebrows knitted together as she glared at the Duke.

He leaned back in his chair with a bored expression. "You heard me. You're a terrible princess. Nothing like what has been promised to Prince Caspian, and I'm allowed to voice my opinions to him as his friend."

"And your opinion of me is?"

"You have no proper etiquette or manners. You hardly know how to speak like a proper person, much less eat like one. Look at yourself. You have powdered sugar on your fingers and chin; it's amusing."

"Hmph." Wren pushed back her chair angrily and gripped onto her plate full of pastries tightly. "For a Duke, you are a huge butthead."

The Duke's eyebrows raised instantly in shock. Both of them stared at each other intensely before he began to chuckle. Wren felt her cheeks heat and she scowled. What she said wasn't meant to be funny.

"I'm retiring to my room!" Wren tossed her hair dramatically and began to stomp off with her plate. She didn't get very far before the Duke stood before her and took her plate away. "Hey!"

"Say it."

"Say what?"


Wren scrunched her nose. "Pardon?"

"If you're going to call me names, you're going to do it properly." The Duke grinned menacingly and held Wren's plate of delicious treats out of her reach.

Wren puffed out her cheeks. She weighed her options: walk away to sulk without treats or say the sinful word so she could leave to sulk with treats.

"Ass," Wren muttered, bunching up her dress.


"Ugh. Ass! You're a giant no-good ass! Satisfied?"

"Very," he chuckled, lowering Wren's plate.

She snatched it from his hands and huffed. This time as she stomped away, he did not stop her. Wren stomped up her tower into her chambers and slammed her door for an extra dramatic effect. Then, she placed her plate into her bed and flopped onto it, not even noticing the different sheets until her hands rolled over the soft covers. When she opened her eyes, she realized that her bed had been stripped of its old, dark covers and replaced with warm, soft blankets the color of soft blues and purples.

"Mmm." Wren scrunched the new blankets into her face.

Wren cocooned herself, not moving until Mumfrie came and dressed her into a white silk nightgown. It was cool against Wren's skin and she drifted quickly to sleep, forgetting all about the irritating Duke.

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