Chapter Sixteen: Whatever Will Be, Will Be.

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Trigger Warnings, yes, plural.

As well as their signs.

Coercion into sexual activity: ⚫️⚫️⚫️

Thoughts of Self harm: ⚪️⚪️⚪️

Remember these.

Flashbacks: ◼️◼️◼️


He was met with an immediate grope on his hips and a knee between his legs.

George's eyes screwed shut out of fear.

"Open your eyes, George."

George recognized the voice, he opened his eyes to stormy gray ones and black hair.


"Say my name?"


"Hello there, George."

George's fearful face softened. Benedict let go slowly.

"There he is..."

"You called me... w-wait wait, what are you doing here...?"

"Would you believe me if I said I wanted to stop by?"

"It depends on the context."

"Well. In an unfortunate circumstances, my daughter has passed..." he mumbled, "And I didn't want to be alone."

A small stabbing of sympathy hit him. George rubbed his shoulder. Benedict smiled softly.

"I always loved your sympathy George." He muttered.

"...Mhm" He responded, "so... are you staying here?" He asked. "If so, how long?"

"In the area... here...?"

" can stay here I suppose."

"Well how long will you allow me to stay?" Benedict asked.

"Until you get tired of me. Or vice versa." George mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the raven haired.

George sighed faintly. Benedict raised an eyebrow.

"You're making the face. What's on your mind?" He asked.

George would always make this... distinctly annoyed face, he's not annoyed at all.

"...nothing. Do you have any luggage?" He responded, brushing his bangs out of his face.

"Not much, just a few days worth to be honest." Benedict scratched the back of his neck.

"Well I didn't burn your clothes from the last time you were here."

Wow. Rare sarcasm coming from George.

"Heh. Well, thanks for that." Benedict chuckles, it was still quiet in the room.

Really quiet.

Considering it is around 6 in the evening.

"Sleep on the couch. I really don't care. Just don't piss me off... got it?"

"Yes, General." Benedict jokes

"...lord give me patience." George mumbled

"Isn't the phrase 'give me strength'?"

"If God gave me strength you'd be found dead, face down in Schuylkill river." George said, deadpan, but smiling somehow.

Benedict glanced away, knowing damn well he was now walking on paper thin ice.

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