We opened the door and the house was filled with nothing but vines and broken-down furniture. "Geez, it's awful in here." I cringed. "Yeah, it's pretty gross." Eddie agreed. "Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin joked. No matter what the situation was, Robin always made jokes. "Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to." Nance said. We walked upstairs quickly, following behind Nancy. There was an eerie feeling in the air. Wasn't surprising, to say the least. Steve stopped when he got to the top of the staircase. "Steve, you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, sorry." he apologized. I nodded my head and we continued into Nancy's room. She got into her closet and grabbed a shoebox. When she opened it up it was filled with tissue paper and a pair of ballet slippers. "Those aren't gvns." Eddie grumbled. "These heels are a bit pointy, but I was hoping for something along the lines of a d3adly projectile." Robin jokingly told us. "I don't understand." Nance puzzled. "Maybe you left them somewhere else." Eddie suggested. "There's a six-year-old in the house. I know where I keep my gvns. And also, I threw these away years ago." Nancy puzzled. She picked up a stack of paper cards that had been sitting beside where she set the box down. "I get that grades are important to you, but perhaps studying can wait till we get out of here?" Robin questioned. "These are from Sophomore chemistry." she told and looked up at the wall. "And this...this wallpaper, this...this is old wallpaper. And this mirror, this went to a yard sale. And you...you're not supposed to be here. No, I gave you to Cousin Joanna two years ago." she mumbled picking up a stuffed animal. She walked around the room and picked up a small diary, beginning to flip through the pages. She stopped on one and the three others of us walked over. Steve had ended up staying wherever he had stopped on the staircase. "What is it?" Eddie asked. "Nancy? You're freaking me out." Robin fretted. "I think the reason that my gvns aren't here is because they don't exist yet." Nancy said. Nancy continued to stare at the diary while Robin, Eddie, and I stared at each other. "They don't...exist?" Eddie puzzled. "This diary should be full of entries. It's not. The last entry is November 6, 1983.  The day Will went missing. The day the gate opened. We're in the past." she explained waving the book around in her hand. "Dustin! Dustin!" Steve yelled. The four of us ran downstairs to check on Steve. "Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin!" he yelled again. Dus-Hello! Hel...Hello?" he called. "Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin suggested. "Hello! Hello?" Steve continued. "Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy asked. Steve turned around towards us pointing the flashlight directly into our eyes. "He's here. Henderson. That little sh1t, he's here. He's like...he's in the walls or something. Just listen." he told us and we all went quiet. Nothing. No voices or anything. "Dustin. Dustin! Dustin!" Steve began to yell again. "We should get him to a hospital." I suggested. "Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me?" he continued. Then I heard voices too. And by the looks on everyone's faces. They heard them, too. 

    "Dustin!" Nancy called. We looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be found. "Dustin?" Eddie called. "Dustin!" Robin yelled. "All right, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total d0uchebag." Steve said. "Will found a way." Nancy said. "What?" Steve puzzled. "Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." she explained. "Lights." Steve mumbled. "Yeah." Nancy said. "The switch. Try the switch." he suggested when Nancy couldn't get the small lamp to turn on. "Okay." she said. She flipped the switch, but the light wouldn't come on. "It's not working." she huffed. "Guys?" Steve said. We all turned towards him and he was looking at a ceiling fixture. "You seeing this?" he asked. Robin, Eddie, and I walked over and the chandelier was glowing red as the light of the flashlight hit it. There were little sparkles floating around it as well. Nancy stuck her hand in it and more sparkles of light flowed around her hand. The small particles followed the movements of her hand. "Whoa." Eddie marveled. The rest of us stuck our hands up into the light particles, Dustin's muffled talking still there. "It...tickles." Steve perplexed. "It kinda feels good." Robin added. Nancy dropped her hand and thought for a second, "Does anyone know morse code?" she asked. "No." Robin and Steve chorused. "Wait, does SOS count?" Eddie asked. We all looked over at him. "Is that...is that good?" he questioned. Eddie started tapping his hand in and out of the lights signing SOS in morse code. "It's working." Robin said. 'S.' Dustin's distorted voice whispered. 'O.' it continued. 'S.' it finished. 

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