Chapter 22: the diner

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A/n- the flashbacks of Sanders' story are done in italics. This chapter is a little shorter and styled different from the rest just due to the episode but hopefully it's still good and you still love it

Chapter 22: the diner

" What the hell are you doing, idiot?" Sanders said calling out to Michael with anger in his voice as he looked at the item that was currently being passed from alien to alien as they inspected as he couldn't help but think of the memories attached to that windmill

" It was you....You're Walt. You're the little boy in the photo. You knew my mother" Michael said connecting the dots in his head as everything about Sanders suddenly made sense to him as he could see the little boy from the photo inside of him and in front of him

" I don't talk about my past. Period" Sanders said knowing he should have expected this day to arrive sooner or later as he tried to shut down the conversation before it even began as he looked at the three aliens that reminded him of the three mysterious women from his past

" It's about my past. You've been lying to me all this time, you crusty old piece of-"Michael said immediately getting angry and began to act out as Isobel and Malia tried to stop or as much as Malia could stop him while holding onto the tiny baby in her arms

" Mika, calm down.... But he's right. You don't have a choice anymore, this concerns all of us. Those women may or not be our mothers but they were definitely our kind" Malia said getting angry too as she thought about him clamping up like that

" okay, guys... Mr. Sanders, I assure you, I have a deep appreciation for secrecy. What you tell us will stay between us. But you will tell us. Okay, look, beers on us as long as you're talking" Isobel said trying a different approach as she knew they needed answers

" I'll meet you at the Wild Pony then" Sanders said knowing he couldn't avoid this anymore as he turned to head towards his truck while Isobel followed him in fear he'd run off leaving Michael and Malia behind as they tried to comprehend what just happened

" hey, you should probably head home and put Tally to bed. I'll tell you everything anyways" Michael said looking at the drowsy baby in his wife's arms as he knew better than to not expect any resistance from Malia due to his request to try and bench her for a while

" wait, why am I being pushed aside right now? This concerns me as much as it concerns you or Isobel" Malia said not happy that he was suggesting that she just go home when they were so close to finally getting answers about what happened on the Long farm

" I'm not pushing you aside. It's just... it's late and we have a baby to think of, plus didn't you say that the Wild Pony was no place for a baby?" Michael said trying to reason with him but he knew all too well by now how stubborn Malia could be when her mind was set

" yes because it's not. But unfortunately that's where our current source of information is likely to get chatty about the details we need" Malia said thinking about how Sanders was more likely to talk about what happened with a beer in his hand than a milkshake

" Malia, I get it. Sanders being Walt changes things but it might not. It was over 50 years ago, I don't want you to get your hopes and get hurt by what he may or may not say" Michael said knowing he'd rather hear it first then repay it all back to her when he got home

" even still, I need to hear it for myself. Give me a minute and I'll change Tally into one of the spare onesies I keep in the diaper bag and then we can go" Malia said refusing to back down as she took Tally and the diaper bag to their car as she put her plan into action

True to her word, Malia was quickly about changing Tally from the long sleeved T-shirt and dungarees she had been wearing into a floral onesie before wrapping her up and placing her into her car seat while Michael patiently waited as he watched his wife and bath interact as he silently prayed to whoever was listening that Sanders wasn't going to be a dead end. Malia knew she was possibly going for the worst mom ever award by keeping her baby out of her crib and taking her to a bar as it neared midnight but she also knew that this could be her one and only opportunity to get some answers about what happened to the woman who could possibly be her mom and she couldn't just let that go. Soon Malia and Michael joined Isobel and Sanders at the Wild Pony with a well secured and wrapped Tally who was in the baby wrap around Malia's chest as she decided to stand and sway the baby asleep than sit with the rest of them as they made themselves for what would hopefully be a long conversation.

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