Chapter 20: Como la flor

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Chapter 20: Como la flor

The weirdness of the last few days due seemed to die down as they all tried to process what happened especially with Michael and Malia when they thought about how weird things had gotten in the maze field with a crazy dude trying to chase them down and kill them. However even with things calm down as they were, it was clear that there were still somethings still needed to be sorted such as Rosa and her uncontrollable electrical abilities that she seemed to have acquired after living in a damaged pod for ten years as well as Max getting his life back together after coming back to life with the help of Rosa's newfound abilities. Which was why Max, Isobel, Liz and Malia with Tally strapped to her chest were currently out in the desert near Max's house as they tried to teach her some kind of control over her abilities in fear that she would expose them all as well as reveal that she had come back alive, two of their biggest secrets right now.

^Malia's and Tally's 1st outfit^

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^Malia's and Tally's 1st outfit^

" Ground your intention. Feel the current running through your body, your hands guiding it with purpose. See? Your turn" Isobel said  as she used her own abilities to light the light bulb in her hand as she tried to demonstrate to Rosa how to do it

" Oh, this is stupid. Ground my intention? I don't speak bored rich lady at yoga" Rosa said as she looked between the aliens in the group before focusing on Malia who was acting more like a bystander than an instructor as she simply played with her daughter

" oh don't look at me, I didn't learn control through inner peace and breathing exercises" Malia said knowing her control came from a different place than it did for Max and Isobel, she knew it was different for each other since their abilities were all different

" we have been at this for a week and I still can't control what happened to me. The thing with Max's heart was just a fluke" Rosa said as she thought about how she was able to restart Max's heart using her new ability causing his new heart to start again

" I don't think we can call a fluke when you did with such intention and purpose and considering you keep blowing things up..." Malia said knowing that fooling herself and denying what was happening wasn't going to make any of this easier to learn for Rosa

" but don't worry, we got time" Max said trying to calm her anxiety down as he knew that could be a trigger to make things worse as he thought about how his own abilities sometimes got out of whack due to his anxiety and high emotions causing blackouts

" anyway I love hanging out with you" Liz said with a smile as she knew that she'd never get over being able to spend time with her sister after ten years of living through her death as she knew that she was just happy to have her back never mind the circumstances

" It's called training, Rosa. You have to do it if you want to control your abilities" Isobel said as she tried to get things back on track as she gestured to the light bulb in her hand as she knew that they needed to focus if they were going to make any kind of progress

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