Chapter 16: good mother

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Chapter 16: good mother

The human alien mixed team had been working hard as they continued to to try and find a way of using Noah's busted parts to bring back Max in the makeshift lap that Alex had found for them before the three scientists of the group had transformed it into a lap with the stolen equipment that Alex had gotten got them. In between their work though, they had been trying to help Maria as much as they could in looking for her mom who had been now missing for a month especially since it seemed like the police in their town weren't going to do any more than the basic search that they had done due to Mimi being considered a frequent wander. Malia felt like she was constantly being tossed between caring for the people she loved whether it was making food to keep everyone going stir lab especially Michael who tried to his best to come home due to the promise he made to himself when it came to a caring for Tally or even supporting Maria with her search causing her to feel exhausted. Despite that, Malia found herself currently in the cave where they had stashed Max's body as Michael tried his latest attempt to try and boost the pod into helping to improves as well as continue to persevere Max's body.

^Malia's and Tally's 1st outfit^

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^Malia's and Tally's 1st outfit^

" hey Tally, look at this! Aren't you a clever girl?" Malia said as she sat on a blanket she had placed on the floor of the small cave as she sat in front of Tally trying to entertain her with the rattle in her hand as the baby made happy noises at her mom

" of course she is, she's just her daddy in the brain department... and her mom who she also gets her looks from" Michael said as he tried to cover up his slip as he paused his work to kiss Malia's head

" nice what are the chances of this actually working?" Malia said looking up from her daughter's smiling face as she watched as her husband prepared the jump cables he was going to use

" I don't know, I'm hoping it will but it's like you always say right? We don't know enough about these pods or our home or anything really about us being aliens" Michael said knowing he was stressing over this

" no but out of the four of us, you've always been the one that's been able to figure out more about it and solve the mysterious alien objects around us" Malia said knowing it was the engineer in him

" still I'd be lying if I said for sure but right now nothing can hurt in trying to keep Max going until we figure out the regenerative thing" Michael said thinking about how Liz was working hard in the lab right now

" I trust you and believe you in and I know Max would too if he was here. Isn't that, Miss Tally?" Malia said trying to reassure her husband as she turned her attention back to her daughter who just smiled

" well that's all the confidence boost I need... What do you say we speed this process up a little bit, huh, Max?" Michael said as he switched his Michael on and placed the cables inside the pod

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