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More hours had passed of their boredom and Robin felt like he should say something to Finney about before they were kidnapped, but it just never felt like the time. The only worry was that it would never BE the right time, they could die down here before Robin got his feelings out and he didn't want that. It was all just to complicated, but in the end he always stayed silent.

"You okay?" Speak of the devil. Finney had sat down next to him, and was giving him that signature Finney look. The look where he could see right through you, and it scared Robin. He liked to lie about his feelings all the time and he couldn't do that with Finney.

"Yup, just thinking about some things from before all this shit."

He wasn't exactly lying, so Finney luckily didn't press to know more.

"You can always tell me, yknow. I'm not just good at maths, I can help with other things" he put his hand on robins knee for a moment, then realised what he was doing and brought his hand back to his side.

"Same goes for you, you don't talk about that stuff much either. How's your sister?"

Robin looked at him expectantly.

"I guess you're not the only secretive one here.. she's alright. But things could be better, with all the shit happening"

Robin hummed in reply and inched closer to finney. They just sat there for a while more, watching the darkness outside.


"shit- the phone again.."

He got up and picked up the phone, as usual.

"The grabber hasn't been sleeping"

Finney was confused.

"What good does that do me?"

"He's asleep right now. He passed out waiting for you all to come up. Now's you're chance. You don't have much time"

Finney looked out of the window. It was dark.. he might have to use up the last of his torch for this if there wasn't a light on upstairs.

"Alright. Thank you"

He hung up the phone, walking over to everyone.

"He's sleeping. We need to go upstairs, I have the combination lock code, just be quiet.. don't talk, don't move fast and don't snoop." It felt good to be leading everyone like that, like he was finally doing something right down in the basement.  Everyone except Vance nodded.

"Why should we trust you? Look- for all we know you could be making up these phone calls, you could be crazy!"

Finney just rolled his eyes and started walking upstairs. "If you don't trust me, then don't come"

Bruce and Robin followed behind, leaving vance basically no choice. He groaned and came along, if everyone else escaped then he would be down here on his own.

They slowly crept upstairs, finney in front, Robin behind him, bruce grabbing his arm behind, and vance lastly in a childish mood, but still following.  As quietly as possible, finney inched open the door and waited for a second to see if the grabber really was sleeping. It seemed he was, he let out a weird snort snore?..

Finney gave them a look for them to wait there a second as he walked past the grabber, then when there was no signs of movement he motioned for them to come to the lock as he tried the combinations. Everyone's hearts were racing, constantly checking behind to make sure he wasn't waking up..

Finney finally got the code and everyone raced outside. Unluckily, a dog started barking and they all had to run as fast as they could. On the street they were screaming for help, a few porch lights turned on but no one came outside in time..

Denver Phone Massacre- Robin x finneyWhere stories live. Discover now