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A few hours passed and finney could see almost fine with strain.

"How are your eyes now? Can you see me?"  Bruce, who had been regularly checking up on finney, sat in front of him holding up a hand.

"They're still sore, but I can see with strain now." He squinted his eyes to see Vance who was sleeping lightly in the corner. It was a little blurry but he could make out his denim jacket and long blonde curls.

"Where's Robin?" He panicked a little bit, not being able to see the boy at his side where he had been last time he woke up.

"He's digging a hole. We found a loose tile and figured we might as well start digging our way out if there's nothing else to do." Bruce sighed heavily and finney lay his head back onto the wall. It was a soothing cool to his warm head and he gently closed his eyes.

"You going back to sleep finn?" Bruce put a hand to his forehead and felt that it was scorching hot. The poor guy probably had a fever.

"No, I've had plenty sleep" he chuckled, opening his eyes narrowly.

"Alright. Maybe when you have the strength you can help us dig, you've got a good arm for it."

"My arm is mint, right?"

Their little conversation was interrupted by a loud dad snore from vance and they had to hold back laughs.

"Holy shit, maybe that's why he doesn't like sleeping in front of us" Robin laughed quietly as he walked over to the mattress, plopping himself down next to finney.

"Hey finn. Hey Bruce"

"Where'd your bandana go?" Finney looked at him, it didn't feel right seeing him without it.

"It must've came off while I was fighting against the creep. Either that or he took it, who knows, maybe he's starting a little collection of items from the boys he takes. I wouldn't be surprised"

Robin scoffed, leaning his head back on the wall and crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna go sleep for a bit, you should too Robin, you haven't blinked an eye down here"

Bruce looked worriedly at him, he had heavy bags under his eyes and looked like he could fall asleep any second.

"Can you blame me? Look at where we are." He rolled his eyes and Bruce sighed. "It wouldn't hurt to get a nap though, plus finney and Vance will probably be awake by the time the grabber comes down anyway"

He walked over to vance and sat next to him, leaning his head back on the wall and shutting his heavy eyes.

Finney flicked his eyes over to Robin, who was already looking at him.

"He's right, Robin. You need sleep, I'll wake you up if he comes down though. Maybe I could go dig that hole for you"

He was about to get up when Robin grabbed his arm gently. "Wait- stay here- please. If I'm gonna sleep I might as well just talk to you to fall asleep" finney was about to protest, but decided not to. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea, talking to someone you know to calm down.

To robins surprise, he lay down next to where Robin was and motioned for him to do the same.

"You'll get a sore back if you sleep like that, and since you're one of the fighters here we can't afford that, right?" He smiled warmly at the boy with bandaged knuckles

"You're a fighter too, you know?"

"Whatever you say."

"I'm serious fin..."

His sentence trailed off and before you know it he was sleeping for the first time in days.

Finney just lay there, looking around the room for any ideas of escape. It was kind of peaceful being the only one awake. He had gotten quite enough sleep while the others were practically sleep deprived. He almost felt guilty for how fast he had settled in and let everyone baby him, so now he was determined to find a way out, and fast.

Denver Phone Massacre- Robin x finneyWhere stories live. Discover now