Chapter 30

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Melanie's POV

Now, I was pissed. After Richard tackled her I looked at my art stuff, scattered and ruined. Richard was teary eyed and to me I didn't care. I did before Winnie was so possessive and delirious, but now I don't. If she's  just going to push it to levels I don't want to reach then she can do that, but I'm not playing her game. 

"Winnie please don't do this" Richard quietly sobbed, he hid it though 

"I have all the right reasons too! You're pissing off the wrong person!" She yelled directed towards me, all I did was chuckled 

"Your ignorance is amusing" I smirked 

"Winnie please" Rich pleaded 

"Stop giving her pity, she can get up off her ass and if she really wants to be loved then she can move out, she's old enough" I shrugged

"Why do you hate me so much?!" Winnie yelled again 

"It's not that I hate you, I've never hated you. It's the fact that you've changed. You're different and I don't feel like putting up with this version of Winnie, because I've never really met this version of Winnie" I picked my stuff of the floor and placed them on a table

"I guess I never had a loving sister" She said, reaching for my sympathy

"I guess you never did" I took my stuff and ran upstairs, starting to pack a bag of all my clothes, another for my art supplies and lastly for my stuff I felt I really needed 

"What are you doing?" Winning asked sharply 

"Going" I said bluntly 

"You're fifteen!" Winnie's exclaimed 

"And?" I asked 

"You won't have anywheres to go" she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow

"I know where I'm going, fake passport saying I'm 18, and some money is all I need to get out of here" I smiled

"This is stupid, Melanie what will mum and dad say?" She asked 

"I don't know, that's for you to figure out" I sighed grabbing my bags

"I won't let you leave" She argued 

"Isn't that all you've ever wanted? After I was born you lost the love or at least you say you have, you lost the attention and the sympathy so you brought in this shyness thing to bring it all back to you, you're not the one with out love. Whenever you're locked up in your room all mum and dad talk about is how you're so important and amazing, I'm the one getting blamed, shunned and thought of as a little sinner, you can't tell me you don't receive love" I rolled my eyes pushing past her and walking down the stairs 

"Melanie!" Winnie yelled 

But I said goodbye to Rich and headed out the door, I wasn't sure where I was going but I'd make it. I'm sure if find myself, after living in that but house for so long I think it would be best for me to just leave. 

Written by Hannah 

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