Chapter 23

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Winnie POV :

Hours turned into what seemed like days, and days turned into what seemed like months, and months turned into what seemed like years, and years? Years seemed like eternities. My breath was heavy then usual. Was I still having a panic attack? The dark closet was small and cramp. I had no room to lie down. My butt tingled from sitting.

I was thirsty, and hungry. Mel was probably off eating Savoy with the Harrison clan. I heard Cathy giggling outside the closet door. "Oh, Winifred Lynn! We are so disappointed in you! Losing your virginity at age 18! Who would of thought of such a thing? You're to shy to even kiss Richard, so he went a got you drunk! He used you, you know. He doesn't love you. He loves me."

William came thudding down the stairs, and was laughing. "Melanie tried painting Alice in Wonderland! It looks like a load of rubbish! Come, and do look! Feast your eyes on the ugliest painting ever!" he cackled. "I' d enjoy it more then talking to our whore of a cousin!"

Whore? I am not a whore! Am I? "She isn't a whore!" William protested. Cathy pounded on the door, and laughed evilly. "You're right! She isn't a whore! She's a no good, worthless piece of shit who should die!"

But, I didn't cry. I simply nodded my head, knowing she was right. Mel didn't love me, Richard didn't love me, Mum and Dad didn't love me, Cathy and William hate me, and I'm always called a freak of nature. They're right. I need to leave Earth. Everybody would be happier without me.

"You're right, Cathy." I say. Cathy stops her laughing. "Winnie? What are you saying?" she asked, with a hint of concern in her voice. "Everything you said! You're right about. The World's better off without me."

"Winnie?!" Cathy says again, slamming her body against the door. "Winnie! No! I was only joking! Please don't say I' right! I'm wrong, Winnie! I'm wrong! Winnie? Winnie...?"

"Just, leave me alone." I sob, falling against the door. I sobbed harder then ever that night. Was Cathy right? Surely she is! I am worthless. I can't be a be a good big sister to Mel. I can't be good at anything. Cathy must be right! Right?

Written By Chandler.

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