Chapter 13

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Winnie POV :||

I no longer had Richie, or Ringo. Whatever he calls himself, the dirty bastard. I followed Mel up the street once we got off the bus. "Well, this is the docks." Mel said, gesturing her hands outwards.

I simply nodded. Ringo wouldn't leave my mind. He was kissing Cathy! I looked at Mel, who was now a good 5 feet away from me. "Mel, I loved him." I whisper. Mel turns to me, and sighs. Tears stream down my face, and the rain starts pitter pattering again.

The rain.

The rain is like me. Once I've had enough, I let my tears fall. Rain, I know, is more complexed with evaporation, condensation, and precipitation and all that. But still, when we've reached our breaking point, we let it all out.

Isn't everyone like rain then?

I sigh, and lean against the railings of the docks. "We should go home..." Mel starts. I glare at her. "Go home, and what? Put up with Cathy and Ringo? Clean up after Cathy? No, I'm not going home just yet." I say.

Mel sighs. "Look, Mel, I hate Cathy has much as she hates me. It's best I stay away from her..."

"Winnie, I love you, but listen to me..."

"Hey, if it isn't the Coe girls!" a voice starts.

We turn around to see the one and only...

George Harrison.

Written By Chandler.

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