Carol runs forward, "Sophia? Sophia!" She cries, Daryl grabs her from running any further and lets her cry in his arms. "Oh no. Sophia. Sophia," She sobs in his arms.

Sophia drags her feet over the dead walkers and closer to the group. Rick walks forward, willing to put her out of her misery. Sophia was already dead, it was just easier if he puts her down so that she can rest peacefully now. Both her and Carol.

He grabs his gun from the holster, aiming it at her head and turning off the safety. He pauses in his actions for a split second, thinking about how and why everything played out for it to end like this, sending his prayers to the girl and mentally apologizing along with mentally preparing to shoot what was a child he knew. He pulls the trigger and she falls to the dirt, unmoving.

Nina stands frozen, the replays of Carols shattered voice buzzing on repeat, how soft yet impacting her tone was; so much despair and heartbreak. Never did Nina want to see that again, the anguished parent going through the devastating loss of their child. It was disgusting and cruel. She almost wishes by some luck Shane left the barn alone so Carol didn't have to suffer like that, but then she would keep hope that her daughter who was already dead, would be alive and that's almost just as bad.

Carol stands up after a while and Daryl lets her go, knowing she'll need time to herself to fully mourn the loss of her daughter.

Daryl decided that one of his favorite things about Nina was her voice. It was soft spoken and she almost didn't use it- not around him anyways. How most of the time he heard her use it, it was for something no doubt funny even if she didn't mean for it to be. Sure she was kind, but that's not something he dwells about these days. No, her voice is what lures him. Almost like a melody or lullaby that sent you to sleep or cherish and brings you tranquility.

Oh how he weirdly wanted to hear it more, hell, she could insult the entire group and he would be on the edge of his seat, waiting to hear more, how she would speak.

Daryl was pretty bothered that he didn't find Sophia, he wanted to bring her back and see her run to her mother. But no one ever gets a happy ever after, right? Especially not in this world. He was disappointed in himself, especially when he thought back to how much he would say he was positive he'd find her and bring her back to Carol. He brought her hopes up and he thought himself wicked for doing so, also just a bad person. He talked it up so much and then did nothing, forcing Carol to endure the fate of watching her daughter step out of the barn.

Daryl knew that if he went to Nina and ask her to help him deal with whatever emotions he was dealing with at the loss of Sophia, she would help him in an instant because she's kind- forget the fact they barely know each other, but he felt like a little bitch.

He was always told by Merle to only depend on yourself. Emotions? Wasn't a thing to his older brother. Needed help? Do it yourself. And if you can't, you're an incompetent, incapable, stupid, weak little girl.

Don't know why it was an insult to be a girl. But that was just one of the small amount of things that lived through the apocalypse, sadly.

Daryl wanted so badly to walk over to Nina and ask if he could talk to her, or even her talk to him. Then he could listen to her talk and calm down a little. But Merle's stupid voice was in the back of his head, telling him that if he did then he was a pussy.

Nina must've read his mind because despite barely knowing the man, she walked over to him after everyone cleared away from Sophia's grave. She nods her head, telling him to follow her.

They walked to a little pond, they sit on the edge of the dock. She swings her feet in the water and letting the lake soak her painted toes. Daryl sat down next to her, further on the dock so he wouldn't get his boots wet. They sit in peace and quiet after chaos and gunfire.

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