7 - Shining Gold

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Weird Static was heard from Alex's Radio From time to time, he didn't think much of it due to the fact the radio was already old. He could've sworn he heard a Small whispering voice coming from it. They sounded worried and scared, but then again it was heard every once in a while so he could just be paranoid..

The Tall figure roamed, Although we never heard it's name, it was Marionette. Or Mari. It was walking through the dark halls because it couldn't rest, not even for a second. It knew some were awake but felt like another figure was following him.

Every once in a while it would turn around while turning a corner, so whoever was following it wouldn't notice. Maybe just some midnight paranoia.. or paranormal things. It decided that was enough and quickly rushed into their small box.

That's right, they slept in a box. But not an uncomfortable one. It had a mattress and pillows, plenty of blankets as well.. a few plushies scattered too.

"shouldn't you.. a small.. around the restaurant..?" A small voice echoed in it's head. It smacked it's head a few times while mumbling.. "Leave me alone.." It felt frustrated, It was tired. So it went to sleep.. or tried.


"Freddy..? Bonnie..? Where are you.. I'm lost.."

A soft whispering voice was asking for help. He didn't want to attract attention by yelling.. he was afraid that whoever was here would hurt him.

He was hidden away somewhere, it was dark but he could still see. His eyes were pitch black with a small white pupil that could glow.

His legs were covered in bruises but no blood was shed, even though he has some blood stains on him. His claws were long and sharp. His black gloves kept them hidden away, He had a big black Bowtie loosely around his neck.

His head was hurting and everything he thought of echoed in his head. He could sometimes hear other voices but his friends just called him insane, even though some would come to his room and talk about how they felt small chills and could hear small children's voices.

Especially Freddy. Freddy trusted him most. They thought of eachother like best friends or bothers, they still fought over stupid stuff  like strangers but they liked being around eachother.

He liked thinking about his friends.

Bonnie was like his bestest friend next to Freddy. They talked about music most of the time, but they liked talking. Even though sometimes Bonnie would complain about Freddy being too rude and stares at people a lot. He brings Chica and Foxy with him sometimes as well. It's nice.

He liked Chica a lot, she would bring him snacks sometimes. She would bring him her radio if he got bored. They talked sometimes about work, cooking, and sometimes she would talk about how some people would talk about me.

Foxy was something else, he yelled a lot but he was just excited to share everything with him.

He's getting off task. He decided he would try to bust out of the room, There was a small gap between the vent and the wall in his room. Enough to fit two fingers. He had tried to open the vent by pulling it out with his hands but it was sharp. He never got cut but could feel it about to stab his paws.

The voices were getting louder every time he tried, as if they were irritated that he couldn't do it. "Useless stupid bear.. Can't even open a vent.." Echoed loudly, he didn't even think of that.. he never thought badly of himself.. did he..? "C-Cassidy don't be m-mean.. w-we need to help him.."

Cassidy..? who's.. who's Cassidy..?

He just couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't get out. He probably never could. He'll be forgotten again. Everything that happened before will happen again. He can't stop anything. He can't protected his friends..

♪°•·- The Toys And Withered Meet -·•°♪Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang