Chapter 6: Boring Days are Over

Start from the beginning

Aside from the glares from the boys the girls... Well they are very annoying, they kept on talking to me and inviting me for their hang outs, but a boy stopped them from annoying which I am quite thankful for. He was the one who lead the introductions on Class D during that day, his name was Hirata Yosuke.

A typical ikemen, you could see someone like him in many different school animes, and with his idealism I bet he won't last that long in the class competitions, not as short as that pink haired girl who wields the power of friendship within her very hands.

Well even though he stopped them from annoying me, some of them still do but it's pretty bearable. Is this how Hirata feels like? Must be troublesome, though I don't mind if it's Kiyone. Wait, why did I think of her? How strange.

While I was remembering about the events happening during this month, Sakagami-sensei arrived but he had a different demeanor.

"Alright class, today we will be having a mock exam. Don't worry this won't affect your grades at all."

The class upon hearing the first sentence groaned, some of them complaining about not being informed early, but a glare from Ryuuen shut them up. The test papers were passed to the back, I started scanning the test paper, it had questions that even a middle schooler can answer but the last three is on another league.

Ho? University level questions huh, are they doing it on purpose? I still don't understand the reasons behind it, so I dismissed the thought and answered the test with an intention of getting a perfect score.

"What the hell are these questions? This is so hard!"

Most of the students complained when arriving on the last three questions, Hiyori seems to be not panicking but she's sweating a little bit. I guess she can't handle these questions that much. After ten minutes I stood up from my seat, which gained a surprised expression from the crowd. I head towards Sakagami-sensei who was looking at me with an amused expression, perhaps does he know already about my abilities? Well I limited myself during the entrance exam so I think so.

"Are you sure about passing it this early Asari-kun? Don't you want to review it for a while?"

"Just take it Sakagami-sensei, and I don't need to review such easy questions."

'Like hell it's easy!'

I bet everyone in the classroom probably thought, Sakagami-sensei upon hearing my words chuckled and just took my papers, while I went towards my seat, took my bag and headed out of the classroom. Ryuuen was just being himself as always, going on with his 'kukuku' while looking at me. But I didn't even take a glance at him which made him click his tongue, making me snicker inwardly.


It was currently May 1 today, us of Class C only received 49,000 points in our accounts. Most of the people in Class C started complaining about the lack of points but those who were smart enough figured out the reason behind the lack of points.

I arrived in the classroom, most of my classmates were restless with the lack of points. But 49,000 should be enough though, why are they complaining? Well getting more points is always welcomed. I sat down in my seat while waiting for Hiyori. After a few minutes she arrived and sat on her seat, we started a conversation about books again but it later changed about the points we were given.

"Ichiro-kun, what do you think about the lack of points we have?"

"Hm? Well Hiyori it seems that the cameras in this room observed our behavior during class, and with the fights between Ryuuen it probably cost us a lot of points as well."

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