Chapter 50

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Young Qi Xiaotian sat next to the coffee table drawing another picture of Monkey King while Pigsy and Tang were in the kitchen making dinner, Pigsy glance at his husband who had a distant look like he was in deep thought "something on your mind that you wanna talk about?" Pigsy asked chopping up some vegetables, Tang paused making Baozi and let out a sigh "it's...just that...Xiaotian has been warming up to us really well" Tang said placing the Baozi in the steamer "but?" Pigsy asked raising an eyebrow "I'm.....just worried about him....not saying anything?" Tang said, Pigsy let out a sigh and stopped chopping vegetables "Tang" Pigsy said sounding annoyed "I'm just worried okay, he hasn't said a word in three months and we have no idea when his birthday is, and I'm scared that if I ask him...I’ll loose his trust and-" Tang stopped his rambling when he was pulled into a hug by his husband "breath Tang, your going to have a panic attack" Pigsy said gently hugging the scholar

Tang took a few deep breaths and slowly calmed down "I get it, your worried about the kid, I am too, but we just gotta be patient" Pigsy said, Tang looked at his husband and sighed "alright" Tang said smiling. Then he felt a tug on his robe and looks down to see Qi Xiaotian staring up at him "oh, hello Xiaotian, do you need something?" Tang asked, Qi Xiaotian pulled out the paper he hide behind his back and showed it to the scholar and chef, it was a drawing of Pigsy, Tang, and Qi Xiaotian holding hands and smiling "oh wow, Xiaotian this is amazing!" Tang said smiling taking a paper from the five year old "yeah, got my likeness real well kiddo" Pigsy said smiling at the picture ruffling Qi Xiaotians hair, Tang then went to the fridge and hung it up "we love Xiaotian, thank you" Tang said hugging the five year old and Qi Xiaotian hugged back

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~Present~~~~~~~~

Day 5:

"Alright, today we'll be teaching on summoning your own somersault cloud" Monkey King said smiling as he sits criss-cross on his cloud, MK eyes had sparkles in excitement "really?!" MK asked smiling "of course kiddo" Monkey King said and MK jumped and cheered with joy "but doesn't it take years of practice to create a somersault cloud?" Macaque asked raising an eyebrow "well yeah, but we're skipping those parts and straight to the fun part!" Monkey King said smiling while Macaque crossed his arms "now, to summon your cloud your body must be calm as well as your mind" Monkey King said hopping off his cloud making is disappear

MK nodded and stood perfectly still with a smirk "first, close your eyes, and clear your mind" Monkey King said, MK did as he was told "now picture the clouds, what they look like, how they gently roll into the sky and hold onto it" Monkey King said, MK picture them and held on to that tight "now take a deep breath and when you exhale pull your arm back and throw it forward" Monkey King said smirking, MK took a deep breath pulling his arm back and when he exhales he throws a arm forward and opening his eyes a small little cloud appeared from his hand making the teen smile but the cloud quickly dissolved into nothing, the teen slumped in defeat while the copper simian hold in his laughter "it's alright bud, you just need more practice that's all" Monkey King said. And so the rest of the day the teen practice trying to summon a somersault cloud but every time he tries it always come out small and dissolves

By sundown MK plops down on the ground with a groan "this is hopeless!!" MK said looking down at the ground in defeat, but then he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder "don't stress out about it too much cub, you'll get it right" Macaque said smiling giving his son a mango "but I've tried all day and it doesn't work" MK said taking a bite of the mango "maybe I'm just not doing it right" the teen said looking down, Macaque thought for a moment and has an idea "maybe the old ways isn't for you, maybe you just need to do it your own way" Macaque said smiling, MK looked up at his ma and thought about it 'do it my own way?' MK thought. And then he has an idea, he stands back up place his thumb and middle finger in his mouth and let out a long silent whistle, when he stopped he looks up and saw a cloud zipping in the sky and down towards him twirling around the teen and stops in front of him

MK stared at the cloud in shock before he started to jump up and down in joy "YES, I DID IT, I DID IT, I SOMMONED MY OWN SOMERSAULT CLOUD!!!!" MK cheered,  he jumps onto the cloud and zoomed off into the air "WHOOOHOOOO!!!!!" MK shouted as the two simians stared up in shock and amazed "way to go bud!" Monkey King called out really proud "you did teach him how to control it......right?" Macaque asked looking at his husband, Monkey King made a blank face in realization that he forgot to taught the teen that "oh shit!" Monkey King said summoning his own somersault cloud and sped off towards where his son went leaving Macaque standing there holding his head in his hand while shaking his head. Later on the copper simian returned with his son tucked under his arm his hair and bandanna messed up from how fast he was going "that was awesome!!" MK said smiling like a maniac "yeah, but tomorrow we'll be teaching on how to control it" Monkey King said looking away from Macaques death glare knowing he was in trouble

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