Chapter 17

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Two years later:

Tang looked at the clock in worry as his feet tapped the floor, it's been five hours since Qi Xiaotian hadn't came home, they called and texted him but he wasn't answering, they called Mei but she didn't know where he was either and that the last time she saw him was after her parents picked her up, Pigsy went to look for him an hour ago and Tang stayed incase Qi Xiaotian came back. Tang looked down at the phone in his hands as he waits for a call from Pigsy about any news about Qi Xiaotian 'please be alright Xiaotian' he thought looking back at the clock 


Pigsy scanned the roads and sidewalks looking for any signs of Qi Xiaotian "kid, kid, Xiaotian where are you!" Pigsy called out looking through alleyways while listening carefully for Qi Xiaotian "come on kid, where are ya" Pigsy said walking down the sidewalk continuing his search. He then looks down an alley and saw a group of teens huddled together looking down laughing, at first Pigsy was about to walk passed the alley when he noticed something on the ground where the teens were looking, it was small and they were kicking it, further looking the thing had a familiar Monkey King backpack on, and when one of the teens moved away Pigsy eyes widened at what he saw, on the ground was Qi Xiaotian but he wasn't moving as another teen kicked him in the stomach "HEY, HEY!!!" Pigsy shouted running towards the teens his face red with anger, the teens looked up and bolted not wanting to get caught by the angry pig demon 

Pigsy stopped and knelt down to Qi Xiaotian, who was unconscious, his clothes dirty and ripped, and had cuts, bruises and scrapes all over his body "kid, kid wake up, wake up" Pigsy said gently taking the injured eleven year old in his arms trying to wake him up, Qi Xiaotian didn't respond but let out a painful groan "hang on kid, I'll get you help" Pigsy said wrapping his coat around the boy and began running to the hospital. As Pigsy runs to the hospital he felt Qi Xiaotian shift under him "Dadsy?" Qi Xiaotian said his voice barely a whisper "hang in there kid, were almost there kid" Pigsy said running towards the hospital 

"HELP, somebody, I need help!!" Pigsy called out when he entered the hospital, a nurse came towards Pigsy "what happened?" She asked gently taking Qi Xiaotian in her arms "some teen punks beat my son up" Pigsy said as the nurse placed Qi Xiaotian onto a gunnery and began wheeling him to the ICU leaving Pigsy there holding Qi Xiaotians backpack "sir, are you the father?" A nurse from behind the desk asked "yes, I'm his adoptive father" Pigsy said going towards the desk "alright, sir if you could fill out this form" the nurse said handing him the clipboard,  Pigsy took the clipboard and filled out the form and gave it back to the nurse "alright if you just wait here we will notify you if anything happens" the nurse said Pigsy nodded and sat down on a chair letting out a tired sigh, He then pulls out his phone and calls Tang

"Pigsy, did you found him, is he alright?!?!" Tang said worried "Tang...yeah I found him but...he's hurt" Pigsy said clenching his hand "What...hurt, what happened?" Tang asked very worried ".....come to the hospital...I'll explained everything" Pigsy said trying to keep his voice from shaking ".....okay, I'll be there soon, I love you" Tang said before hanging up. Pigsy let out a shakey breath as he tries not to cry as he controls his breathing. Soon Tang entered and immediately ran to his husband "what Xiaotian okay?" Tang asked, Pigsy looked up at Tang and let out a sigh "some teen punks were....beating him" Pigsy said. Tang let out a gasp his eyes widened " he...?" Tang couldn't even finish his sentence "he's alright...the doctors will tell us if something's wrong?" Pigsy said hugging Tang who hugged back as tears fell from his eyes 


After waiting for what felt like hours the nurse came up to them and the two shot out of their seats "is he alright" Tang asked very worried "your son will be fine, he has a broken arm, a slight concussion, and hyperthermia, but other than that he will be just fine" she said and the two parents let out a sigh of relief "can we see him?" Pigsy asked, the nurse nodded "follow me" she said and the two began to follow the nurse, soon the nurse came to a stop in a room "he's right in there, but he is sleeping so you must be quiet" she said and left. Tang and Pigsy entered the room where they saw Qi Xiaotian asleep in the bed his right arm in a cast, bandages on his cheek and head, he looked so small in the bed, Tang rushed to Qi Xiaotians side and gently brushed Qi Xiaotians bangs from his face. Then Qi Xiaotian stirred and slowly opened his eyes "Baba?" He said blinking his eyes

"Hey are you feeling?" Tang asked happy that his son was awake "sore" Qi Xiaotian said blinking a few more times to clear his vision "yeah I bet, wanna tell us what happened" Pigsy said smiling, Qi Xiaotian furrowed his brows as he slowly remembers "I was...walking home, when a group of teens came and started following me...I was scared of leading them back home so I just made random turns to lose them...but they kept following me....when I finally lost them...I got lost too....I tried to get out my phone, but I left it at school and.....and that's when they found me....I...I tried to fight back, but they were too strong and...I'm sorry" Qi Xiaotian finished with tears in his eyes

"Oh Xiaotian no, you have nothing to apologize...if anything you were very brave for taking them on by yourself" Tang said gently petting Qi Xiaotians hair "your not mad?" Qi Xiaotian asked looking at his dads "of course were not mad...though we are going to pick you up and drive you to school from now on" Pigsy said smiling at Qi Xiaotian. Then there was a sound of someone clearing their throat, Pigsy turned and saw it was a police officer standing by the doorway "you stay with him, I'll be right back" Pigsy said and left with the officer to talk in private "you know, at and Mei were talking about a nickname for me" Qi Xiaotian said looking at Tang "really?" Tang asked smiling "yeah, Mei wanted me to have a cool nickname like spike, or smiles...but I picked out one and we both liked it" Qi Xiaotian said smiling "really, what is it?" Tang asked "MK, which is short for Monkey Kid...since I want to be named after my hero Monkey King" Qi Xiaotian said smiling at his Baba "I think that's a perfect nickname MK" Tang said smiling, Qi Xiaotian now MK smiled at his Baba approval "now get some rest MK, me and Pigsy will be here when you wake up" Tang said placing a kiss on MKs forehead and MK fell fast asleep with a smile on his face 


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