Chapter 30

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When both mother and son calmed down, Macaque then took notice of the staff laying on the ground next to MK and his eyes widened "where did you get that?" Macaque asked staring at the staff, MK followed his gaze and picked up the staff "Red Son was trying to use it to destroy the city" MK said while Red Son looked away in embarrassment "and I picked it up, and now Monkey King is training me to be the next Monkey King because he retired, but Dadsy says that he just using that excuses to be lazy" MK said looking down at the staff 'Typical Wukong' Macaque thought with a small smile, but then he realized what his son said "Dadsy?" Macaque asked raising an eyebrow "Oh! My dads Pigsy and Tang, my Dadsy and Baba...they're the ones that took care of me" MK said

Then his eyes widened "Oh no! Baba, Dadsy, Mei, Sandy! I completely forgot about them! They're probably worried sick about me, Mei's probably already getting a search party ready for me, Dadsy could be pacing a hole in the floor, Sandy...well he might try and calm everyone down with some tea, and Baba...oh Baba's probably already having a panic attack!" MK said already imagining the chaos happening back home. Macaque saw his son panicking and cupped his cheeks "hey now, calm down" Macaque said gently rubbing his thumbs on MKs cheeks in a slow and gentle rhythm, MK felt his nerves relax as he calmed down "you always loved me doing this when you get fussy as a cub, and by the look on your face, I say it still works" Macaque said smiling at the smile on MKs face and how relaxed he looked

Soon Macaque stops and took notice of MKs boot cast "what happened to your leg!?" Macaque said in shock, MK looked down at his leg and Red Son looked away in shame "oh I it from a fight with a demon....but it'll only be on for a week" MK said not wanting Red Son to get in trouble, Macaque let out a sigh of relief as Red Son mouthed 'thank you' to MK "so how did you get here, the trip here is hours long?" Macaque asked. MK thought for a moment and then remembered "well I was back in the city, then this dark shadow appeared underneath me and I fell through it and ended up in the forest" MK explained to his ma, Macaque looked at MK in surprise "you shadow teleported here" Macaque said

"Shadow what?" MK said raising an eyebrow "shadow teleportation is like regular teleportation but using your shadow and other shadows as well, something like this" Macaque said creating a shadow portal under him and falling through it, MK was startled by the action until he heard a chuckle from behind him and turns around to see Macaque walking out of a shadow portal from the gate wall "see" Macaque said smiling "whoa, so I can teleport to anywhere I want" MK said with stars in his eyes, Macaque chuckled "yes, but you have to have a mental image of the place and where it is, otherwise you might end up in a totally different place" Macaque said patting on MKs head

"So all I need is a mental image of the place and where it is....that means I can, go back home" MK said standing up "yes...I suppose you should go back home...your father's and friends are worried about you" Macaque said looking down his ears drooping in sadness, MK saw this and hugged his ma "don't worry, I'll come and visit you again in my free time, I promise" MK said smiling up at Macaque. The shadow demon smiled and hugged his son back, soon they broke the hug and MK closed his eyes picturing his dads noodle shop in the city, when he opens his eyes he saw a shadow portal in front of him. He looks back at Macaque with a smile and walked inside the portal the portal closing behind him

When the portal closed Macaque just stood there looking at where his sons shadow portal was and back to his nephew "I know what you're going to say and yes I'll keep an eye out on him, especially if he's going to be trained by that simian king" Red Son said leaning against the doorway smiling, Macaque smiled back and looked up at the sky


In an alleyway next to Pigsy's Noodles a shadow portal appears on the wall and MK steps out of the portal stumbling a bit as he nearly tripped over his boot cast, when he corrected his balance he looks around and saw that he was back in the city "yes, I'm back!" MK said smiling, he then walks out of the alleyway and towards his Dadsy Noodle shop 'please don't be too mad' the teen thought and entered the noodle shop. As he walks inside the noodle shop he saw his friends and dads huddled around Mei as she explains something to them "so we'll search the north part of the city, and then the south part of the city" Mei said pointing at her phone 'And I was right, she is organizing a search party for me' MK thought a sweatdrop forming on his head

"Uhh, hey everyone" MK said waving "hang on a moment MK, where busy organizing a search party for you" Mei said not looking up at the map on her phone "then after we cover the southwest of the city we'll- wait MK?!" Mei said finally looking up along with the others "hi" MK said with a smile "MK!!!!" Everyone said tackling him to the ground in a bone crushing hug "augh! Guys.....can't.....breath!" MK squeaks out as his friends and dads squeeze the life out of him. They let go and MK took a big gulp of air as he sat down on a stool "where have you been, do you have any idea how worried we were?!?!" Tang said checking if MK is hurt anywhere "when you didn't answer your phone, we got worried and tracked your phone and crutches with a tracking device I put in your phone and crutches, but when we found them, they were just laying on the ground in the alleyway!" Mei said holding out his phone and crutches "wait you put a tracking device on my crutches?" MK rasped out still catching his breath "we thought you were kidnapped or worse, where were you kid, are you trying to give me a heart attack?!?!?!" Pigsy shouted glaring at MK

"Uh, well, you see I-" MK tried to explain but the others were shouting too loudly to listen, until a loud whistle stops the shouts and everyone looked at Sandy in shock "let's hear what MK has to say" the water spirit said with a smile and everyone looked back at the teen "thanks, so here's the story, I was resting by a building and I got cornered by....the Huns" MK said, the others gasped in shock "the Huns, those big bullies didn't hurt you did they?!" Mei said about ready to commit murder "no no, well they tried to cut my leg off" MK said getting another gasp from the gang "those no good punks" Pigsy said gripping his spoon tightly that it could snap in half at any second "but I got away and ran, they started chasing me and I lost them in traffic, I then ran into a dead end...I tried calling you but my phone slipped out of my hands...I didn't know what else to do so.....I climbed up the wall and hid" MK said looking down at the floor

"I stayed on the roof for hours and must have fell asleep, by the time I woke up it was late and the Huns were gone, I climbed down and made it back to here" MK said finishing his story "well I'm glad you're back safe and unharmed" Sandy said smiling "me too, if those big bullies hurt you I will surely make them beg for death" Mei said smiling widely a scary aura over her that sent chills down MKs spine "but...what were you doing resting by a building?" Tang asked looking at MK. The teen blinked in shocked and looked down at his feet "I was resting leg started hurting" MK said looking down at his boot cast "kid, you know that you can't be pushing yourself too much, your leg is still healing and it won't heal if you keep pushing yourself too much" Pigsy said. Tears began to fill MKs eyes "I know...but I didn't want to let you guys down, everyone is counting on me, you, Baba, Mei, Sandy, and everyone in the city...I didn't want you all thinking that I'm useless because of this stupid injury...I'm the Monkey Kid of crying out loud...I have to give it my all, injured or not...I can't afford disappointing everyone...I'm sorry" MK said as a single tear fell down his face

The others stood there in shock at how much MK was holding on his shoulders and Tang pulled MK into a hug "the ones who should be sorry is us" Tang said, then Mei joined the hug "we didn't know that you had so much on your plate that we didn't think how much it effected you" Mei said, then Sandy joined in "I guess we were so use to our normal routine that we didn't take notice in your new one and the responsibilities you now have" Sandy said, finally Pigsy joined in "you maybe the new Monkey Kid, but you're still a kid, and you got a long way to go to achieve that kind of greatness...but until then, be a kid" Pigsy said, MK looked at them and smiled "I will....thanks guys" MK said hugging back

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