Chapter 18

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Two years later:

MK sat outside of the principal's office hugging his arms while waiting for his Baba or Dadsy to come, he didn't know what happened, one minute he was eating lunch after acing his exams, and the next thing he knew he was called to the principal's office, he'd asked what was he called for, but the vice principal just told him to sit here until his parents arrive. He heard footsteps and looks up to see his Dadsy and Baba walking in "MK, kid what's going on?" Pigsy asked wondering why his son was sitting at the principal's office "I don't know, I was called here and was told to wait until you guys came" MK said looking up at his dads, soon the door opened and vice principal appeared "are you Xiaotians parents?" She asked, Pigsy and Tang nodded "come with me" she said opening the door letting in MK, Tang, and Pigsy in

In the office the principal and a few of MKs teachers were there discussing over something until the principal notices them "welcome, please have a seat" she said and the parents and MK took their seat "now I know you're wondering why I called you here, and don't worry Xiaotian is not in trouble" the principal said however one of MKs teachers scoffed under his breath at that "what's wrong?" Tang asked looking at the principal "there's nothing wrong, were just here to discuss about Xiaotians grades" the principal said. The two dads were shocked and confused "but I thought Xiaotian got all A's and B's?" Pigsy said confused

"Yes he has....however some of the teachers are suspicious about Xiaotians high grades due to his...drawing habits" the principal said, now Tang and Pigsy were even more confused "how can our son's drawings are a problem, they're not distracting anyone, are they?" Tang asked the principal "no, no they're not a distraction to the other students it's just....well...while grading his exam papers, we noticed that all of his answers were correct, which is very good it's just" the principal paused for a moment to figure out what to say without being offensive "just what?" Pigsy asked crossing his arms 

"Well...under further looking a few of his teachers discovered that all of his exam answers were the same as the answer sheets and well..." the principal was cut off by MKs math teacher "we think he has cheated!" He said pointing to MK "what?!" Pigsy and Tang said in shock while MK sat there in shock "we do not think that your son has cheated, we just want to know how he got the answer without writing down the solutions" the principal said giving the math teacher a side glare "the reason why I didn't write down the solutions is because I do it in my head" MK said defending himself "and I have always helped him study with tests, exams, and homework how can you think Xiaotian is cheating?" Tang said 

But before the principal could answer MKs science teacher cut in "we don't think, we know!" She said glaring at MK "how can a student that doesn't pay that much attention get a high grade at an exam, unless they cheated!" MKs English teacher said crossing his arms "all we need is your son to confess that he cheated so we can give him a low permanent grade" MKs math teacher said. MK looked in shock and lowered his head, Pigsy was so angry but before he could get up from his seat and yell at them, Tang beat him to it "what is the matter with you...all of you! How can you think it's fair to give my son a failing grade for studying hard!" Tang said glaring at the teachers "studying hard, that boy-!" But Tang cut the math teacher off "Teachers are suppose to encourage and nurture the gift that my son has, not the opposite and accuse them of cheating, it's not my son's fault that he's just smarter than all of you!" Tang said glaring at the teachers "How dare you--!" But Tang cut off the teacher again "No! How dare YOU for accusing my son for cheating where I, a college professor has helped him study for the exams!! And if you think my son will continue to be taught by Idiot's like you then all of you are bigger idiot's than I thought!!!" Tang shouted glaring down at the teachers, Pigsy and MK sat there in shock and surprised by the calm and timid scholars outburst "come on MK I'm not sending you to a school run by idiot's!" Tang said stomping out of the office with MK and Pigsy behind him leaving the teachers speechless and the principal kind of impressed 

In the truck the entire ride was silent with Tang glaring at the window,  Pigsy at the wheel, and MK sitting at the back in silence until he spoke up "that...was awesome Baba" MK said with a smile "yeah, never knew ya had it in you to yell like that" Pigsy said glancing at his husband "it's just so frustrating that those teachers could accuse you for cheating, just for being smarter than them!" Tang said before letting out a sigh "well one things for sure, you're not going back to that school, or any school for that matter if they're not encouraging your gifts" Tang said pushing his glasses up "so I'm going to be home schooled for now on?" MK asked looking at his Baba "yes, I guess that's what's going to happen" Tang said looking at MK smiling "then I guess I get to call you professor Baba huh?" MK said and Tang couldn't help but laugh "no, just Baba would be fine" Tang said ruffling MKs hair 

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