Suddenly it's so quiet. Monty starts talking, "listen... there's no machine on." He says while Jasper whoas in amazement. People start taking off their seatbelts, and I do the same. I quickly get up and follow Clarke to where Finn and the now dead passengers are. "Finn is he breathing?" Clarke asks worriedly, Finn just shakes his head when we hear some guy yell, "The doors on the lower level! Let's go" Clarke starts getting up and I follow, "no we can't just open the doors!" She says loudly as she makes her way to the ladder. I follow her down and I hear a familiar voice, "Hey just back up guys!" He says, I know who it is instantly. Its Bellamy. Clarke suddenly stops half way down the ladder making me also stop in turn, "Stop!" She yells before making her way down the rest of the ladder. So dramatic, yk what I mean.

Clarke pushed her way to the door while I follow, and stand off to the side to let them do there thing debating whether or not I should just go up there, say fuck it, and open the door or not since I already know it's safe. I decide not to since I don't wanna look like a jackass and I start listening to them talking again. "The airs Toxic we're all dead anyways." Bellamy replies to Clarke just before you know who come down the ladder, "Bellamy?" She questions. Everyone goes quiet as she makes her way to the door. It's Octavia, the baddest bitch ever! Just, you know, not completely traumatized yet. "My god, look how big you are." Bellamy says dumbly, and Octavia hugs him while he hugs back. They pull away and Octavia looks at what he is wearing, "what the hell are you wearing, a guards uniform?" She questions with slight aggression. "I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep and eye on you." Bellamy says smugly. God I forgot how much of a dick he is at the beginning. They hug again, when Clarke interrupts like the mood killer she is and asks, "where's your wristband?" Octavia, annoyed, turns around and goes, "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." Me knowing what next I choose to zone out so I don't get too pissed off, which wasn't very difficult since I soon got distracted by a loose piece of blue ribbon that was for some reason tied to a little bit of wire that was hanging out of the wall panel. I turn around and start to untie it from the wire. I know why it's there now, it was keeping the wire together since it was broken. Guess they don't have tape in space. The wires didn't seem active so I assumed it was something that was broken on the way down. I turn towards where everyone is talking again, fiddling with the ribbon in my hand. Bellamy turns to me since I'm closest to the lever. "Well? Open the door." He says, I look around and realize that he's talking to me. I only just realized how close to the lever I was. It was time to let Octavia onto the ground. I turn to the lever and pull it, the doors open making a bright light shine into the dimly lit space. Everyone seems amazed by what they are seeing, Octavia steps outside. She's at the edge of the door and about to take the first step onto the earth that she will take. It feels like everyone is holding their breath, and she jumps down and takes a few steps before throwing her hands in the air and saying her iconic line, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!!" She yells as everyone starts running out of the ship and cheering. I'm carried with the crowd and I go with it so as to not get trampled on. Everyone is running around taking in the new sights excitedly, glad they're not dying of radiation. I'm a few feet away from the ship at this point as I see Clarke jump down finally. I can almost hear radioactive playing as I look around smiling like an idiot still in shock that I was somehow in this show. I decided to wander around a little bit and leave all the finding out we're on the wrong mountain and stuff to Clarke. I mean she should be glad we didn't end up on mount weather to begin with, although she doesn't know that so I'll just leave her be with that. I'll just wait till it's time to head out on the excavation to get food where the first few plot twists happen.

I walk up to a large tree with branches low enough that I can actually reach them. In my actual world almost all the trees that are this big with branches that usually grow low enough to the ground to reach get their low branches cut off so people cant climb them. I remember when I was little there was a park near my home that had these trees and I used to climb them all the time when I was younger. However as I got older, they started cutting the low branches because too many kids like me kept climbing the trees. I reach for a branch and I start making my way up, surprised I can actually climb up, I climb up not super high since I know I need to get down soon, but high enough to get to a branch large enough for me to sit on and watch the people on the ground. I see Murphy who already has a few people following him, mostly boys. That's when I hear someone yell up to me, "HEY! How'd you get up there?!" Yelled a voice I recognized as Jasper. I looked down and I saw him, Monty, and a few other passersby looking back up at me. They must of seen me climb up, "I, uh, I just climbed?" I said in kind of more of a question than an answer. Jasper and Monty looked at each other and just laughed, I looked away a little embarrassed. "Do you think you could show us how to climb up there one of these days?" Monty asked, seeming genuinely curious. "Yeah sure!" I said, they high fives each other and started talking in what I assume to be normal voices, but I can't hear them anyways so I just go back to looking around at everyone as they walk away.

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