Ep 9: Kazio

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-it is currently night-

Gaster: -trying to end a log- ...And so I'll send her on her first assignment next week. It's time that we begin the true work.


Gaster: I'm working on it.

SOUL: Good... -sees it- a prototype is better than nothing -goes into it-

Gaster: Wait you fool!

SOUL .... Finally... It's time that I reform

SOUL: -glows very brightly, then begins to change form. Before long a humanoid robot stands before them. It has an athletic build {yet lacks abs} has a Black Wizard's hat on his head, and his right Eye has an eye patch there. His clothing looks like a Dark Mage, which is an Indigo collared Coat and a red shirt. He wears brown pants.-

-a loud blast occurs, the windows in FrostLab break, and the [books] go out of all the windows-

SOUL: Behold... I'm now... KAZIO -has a Russian accent now-

Gaster: . . . If Sans were here he'd say something like 'more like Kazoo'

Kazio: Hmph... shut up -under his eyepatch, his missing eye glows-

Gaster: ... -mind, realizes- HE'S THE ONE

-the next day-

{Music Stops}

Rosanne: -shaking Corelle- SIS WAKE UP

Corelle: -wakes- Hm? -yawns cutely- What?

-they look around and see several of the Spamton G. Spamton Specil Batteries on the ground-

Corelle: -knocks on her chest- Seems Like I'm Running Out...

-suddenly Kazio teleports into the room-

Kazio: Finally... Human-

Rosanne: -slaps Kazio- Who the hell are you?

Kazio: To myself, a "god". To others, a Rare Crystal SOUL. To the naked eye, Human... well technically a robot... but soon HUMAN

Corelle: ...SOUL?

Kazio: The name is Kazio!

Rosanne: No, I named you; A Name That Is So Stupid That No One Cared.

Kazio: -tries to blast Rosanne, but only a small spark comes out-

Gaster: -his hands suddenly appear behind Kazio, he doesn't realize it, the Hands then grab him-


Gaster: Kaizo! Your body isn't ready to handle your power yet! I have put a limiter on your back to keep you from tearing your body apart. -There is a glowing purple bulb between his shoulder blades-

Kazio: I look stupid with that thing on... But fine

Gaster: Just accept it, for it is not permanent. Your Powers will make you a genuine Human with raw power soon

Kazio: -dark aura surrounds him- So when does the training begin?

-they vanish, and go into a training arena-

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