Corelle: Yeah... That Makes Sense

Rosanne: Anyway... first things first... How much do you know about swimming?

Corelle: Well The Thing Is I Could Once Swim But... As A Robot I Can't Seem To Do That.

Rosanne: What's different?

Corelle: I Guess How I'm Built.

SOUL: -like a simp- No kidding

Corelle: Will You Shut Up, SOUL?

SOUL: Pah. I decided on a real name for myself and it's-

Rosanne: -interrupts him- A Name That Is So Stupid That No One Cared.

SOUL: ....alright don't expect me to not be shutting up while you two "cute" girls are swimming

Corelle: ... You... -blushing- Genuinely Think I'm Cute?

SOUL: ...what the hell?

Rosanne: That was sarcasm, sister, I would know because I'm really the only cute one!

Corelle and SOUL: -sigh-

Rosanne: Anyway... Built differently?

Corelle: -nods-

Rosanne: What do you mean by that?

Corelle: Like My Mass And Weight Is Different... Sure I Don't Need To Eat Anymore But The Metal That Makes Me Is Heavy I Suppose.

Rosanne: Aren't Mass and Weight the same thing, sis?

Corelle: On Earth, Yes. Elsewhere No... Anyway, As You Were Saying

Rosanne: Yeah. Well, then you have to find balance.

Corelle: -balances on one leg-

Rosanne: ....Not what I meant, Cori.

Corelle: Then What Did You Mean?

Rosanne: Try floating on your back

SOUL: -mumbles something like: Ohh yeah-

Rosanne: -takes out Corelle's SOUL, activates her battery mode, and yeets the SOUL out of the pool-


Corelle: -does as she's told-

Corelle: The Only Problem With This Is The Water Going In My Ears

Rosanne: -shrugs- You get used to it

Corelle: -after a few seconds- True... But Now I Can't Really Hear Things That Well.

Rosanne: Well then activate your Water Remover System, Cori.

Corelle: -does it- Did You Say Something? Sorry, I Was Using My Water Remover System.

Rosanne: . . .

SOUL: Rosanne was just saying about how she wishes you weren't siblings so that she could ask you out

Rosanne: -blasts her hand at the SOUL and smacks him-


Corelle: -blushing- What's With All The Flirting Today?

Rosanne: He's trying to get under your skin, sis

Corelle: -taking it literally- I Lack Skin, I'm A Complete Robot

SOUL: Well that's a damn shame

Rosanne: -muttering- I'm gonna kill that SOUL 1 day... 1 day...

SOUL: -hearing her- Like you could, I may not seem so ominous right now, but rest assured I have the powers of a "god"

Rosanne: WE KNOW! But also sure you do, "god" of annoying people.

SOUL: -dark magic blasts at Rosanne but... it fails-

Corelle: -Trips over an uneven tile- ...Ow...

Rosanne: -sighs- Good thing this water has healing Magic. You alright sis?

Corelle: Yeah... I Wish I Had More HP Though...

SOUL: I thought you said this Pool only works one time per person... -mumbles: Which is funny because it didn't work on me-

Rosanne: It works until YOU LEAVE THE POOL, DUMBASS!

SOUL: ...

Rosanne: Anyway, Corelle, I got no clue as to why Gaster created you this way, with the low HP.

Corelle: Nor I, With Your Flirting Side

Rosanne: Is it bad?

Corelle: No, It's Very... Unique

Gaster: -appears through a portal- Did someone call for me- -sees Rosanne and Corelle, looks at Rosanne- Don't you even think about it-

Rosanne: OHHHHH GASTER! How do I look today -winks-

Gaster: ...Why did I even consider programming you like this? -leaves-

Rosanne: -jokingly- He just doesn't understand the beauty of being hot!


Rosanne: -annoyed- I'm 13! THIRTEEN! Sure I may look like 12, BUT I'M 13!

Corelle: So What's Next?

Rosanne: -calmed down- Ok, so, -grabs a Pool Toy- Use this to help you float and kick the water and go to the end of the pool

{the end of the pool is about 100 FT}


Rosanne: ...What the-

Corelle: -goes so fast that some of the water creates a huge wave and it gets all on Rosanne-

Rosanne: -laughing-

SOUL: . . . How is this funny to you?

Rosanne: Just is.

Corelle: -comes back-

Rosanne: Not bad, Cori, not bad at all.

Corelle: Thank You. What's Next?

Rosanne: Well... Let me think. Ok, try swimming Butterfly style

Corelle: -does so, it starts out rough but then she starts swimming properly-

Rosanne: Haha! I'm such a cool, cute, and great teacher!

Corelle: Thank You, Rosy!

Rosanne: -nods and swims-

Corelle: -swims as well-

-Episode ends-

DeltaFrost: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now