Chapter 18

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The omen crew are working around the clock to prepare for the scrappers. most are working on the ship's defense systems. just incase there is a need for a retreat. Outlet has been the busiest due to him having to work around the wiring and the ships hardware. Most of the crew sit in the mess hall relaxing for a short time before they will have to get back to work. Stinger the femmes sat at a table eating in silence as Honeycomb's helm perks up in realization. the other two don't notice until Honeycomb's wings begin to buzz softly as she is lost in thought. they wait for her to finish what ever she has on her processor to be confirmed.

"how close is the human town?" Honeycomb askes catching the two off guard.
"Its just past the forest why?" Deli responds looking to Honeycomb.
"those poor humans could get caught in the fight if we are not careful," Honeycomb says with worry.
"Um we are pretty far away I dont think the humans would get stuck in the fight," Stinger responds but Honeycomb shakes her helm not budging.
"they are crazy stinger and that helicopter fella would probably love to see those poor things get hurt," Honeycomb says her wings buzzing faster and faster to the point if they get any faster she could probably take flight.
"can you call up one of those Autobot guys? I heard they protect the humans more than the decepticons," Deli says looking to Honeycomb with a caring smile.
"Very well I will call the closet base... but we are still not joining any of them," Stinger says as she heads off to the main room.

Stinger sits down in the captains chair and pulls up the screen and begins to search through old comm logs in hopes to find one that could belong to a autobot near by. she finds one that seems fairly familiar to her but she shrugs it off and begins to call them. it takes a few cycles before the bot awnsers and to Stingers surprise it was her old friend from the medbay. "Ratchet! it has been so long!" Stinger remarks as ratchet in disbelief stares at stinger.
"Stinger is that really you?"
"Yes old friend it is me... man you look old," Stinger says laughing as ratchet continues to stare at her.
"you look the same just as the day you left... but to be so preserved is nearly impossible," Ratchet says with a slight chuckle.
"oh the planets natural ice keep us that way."
"I will be sure to tell preceptor this... so what is the occasion of the call?"

"oh right! erm there is a group of scrappers after us... well its a very long story but we fear if they try to attack that the human town that is near by could get caught in the crosshairs," Stingers answers showing him a picture of the where the omen was located and the human town.
"I see then well we will be around to make sure that incase the fighting does get to that point we will evacuate the town," Ratchet says he stare not as shocked as it once was.
"thank you so much Ratchet that means a lot to me," Stinger says with a soft smile.
" can you do me a favor stinger?"
"sure what is it?"
"can you keep this call off the records, im not trying to be rude or anything its just the fact that I am with team prime and I don't want the decepticons finding out where we are at."
"I understand and don't worry it will be kept off our books."

"Hey stinger before you go there is something I need to tell you," Ratchet says causing stinger to pause what she was about to do.
"oh what is that?" 
"I am sorry for not sticking up for you all those kilocycles ago... I should have stuck by your side like a true friend but instead I was a coward and stayed behind," Ratchet says taking his optics away from the screen showing his regret.
"Ratchet I am not mad at you, you did what you wanted to do and how can I be angry at that," Stinger says a calming smile spread across her face plates.
"your not!" Ratchet says surprised.
"no and it should be me who apologizes after I left you when we argued and it wasn't right."

"I am sorry" the screen shuts off and stinger leaves the room knowing that could be the last thing she had said to him.

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