chapter 16

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Nectar paces back and forth waiting for Repo to return after he abruptly left after taking one of her calls. It has been a good long while until he returned and she stood before him rage over her faceplates. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Nectar screams at him raising her ax.
"I had to take care of some business is all," Repo says with a uncanny grin.
"I have been trying to each Firesurpeme and Para ever sense you left and have not received a message from any of them," Nectar scowls ", care to explain that?"
"oh that is simple I killed the both of them," Repo responds as if it is nothing at all.

"they betrayed us! Firesurpeme was going to let that group of bots that we had originally hunted GET AWAY so after her partner ratted him out, I just had to get rid of her after all what good is a snitch if that is all that they are going to do," Repo says with pride. "so I killed Para first by ringing her neck. then after some wiring I used her sword mode to slaughter her dear partner. it was when he died is when the crew came out to his rescue a little too late. I would have killed them too if I wasn't outnumbered."
"so wait back up just a short moment," Nectar says holding her servos up. "are you telling me that Stinger and her crew SURVIVED the crash!" Repo nods to confirm.

Repo suddenly realizes his mistake as Nectar pulls out her ax and strikes it down into one of the computers. "HOW DARE THEY LIVE! HOW DARE THEY SURVIVE AFTER ALL THAT STUPID BOT HAS DONE TO ME!" Nectar rages. the twins Undertone and Plier enter the room to see what is going on. Nectar turns to the twins slowly a purple tint in her visor. "Plier.... Undertone can you two come here please." the twins frightened walks to there captain. Nectar watches as the two stand in front of her both shaking letting there fear show. "Repo could you please hold Undertone." Repo grabs ahold of him causing him to struggle against the mech who is bigger.

Plier looks to Nectar as if a child would to a parent if they where being punished. Nectar raises her servo and strikes Plier across the faceplates knocking her to the ground. "GET UP!" Nectar screams to Plier as she slowly gets up from the hit. Nectar then grabs Plier and proceeds to strike her over and over again until dents are placed across her faceplates. Nectar throws Plier causing her to grunt from the pain. Nectar places her ped on Pliers helm as dear Plier cries softly. "FIND THEM AND IF YOU FAIL TO YOU WILL WATCH YOUR BROTHER DIE IN FRONT OF YOU!" Nectar screams giving Plier a good kick in the tank before storming off. After Nectar leaves Repo lets undertone go. Undertone runs to his hurt sister and holds her close.

"please Undertone oh please," Plier cries and sobs from the pain ", can we leave the scrappers?" Undertone looks into her visor and knows that enough is enough. 
"Sis I wish we could leave... but they will find us and so much much worse," Undertone replies as he also cries for his sister. they know that even it is a rare occurrence that nectar would strike them  but to do it this badly was just too much.

"I have even a better idea than leaving." 

Transformers: war out of time (1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ