Chapter 17

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the twins sit in there room in silence as Undertone has just fixed the last of Pliers wounds. "you said you had a better idea then to just escape what did you mean by that?" Plier askes Undertone as he puts the first aid kit away.
"well you can probably guess that we are going after that group we spotted earlier,"  Undertone says looking to Plier.
"Yeah what about it?"
"what if we sabotage it... and run away with that crew.."
"its not going to be that easy brother."
"I know that its not. but this is our only chance to escape them and no longer be hurt!"

"I just regret not being able to find a bot to love and be mine," Plier says beginning to cry again.
"I am not sure regrets are a topic we should be talking about sis," Undertone says with a uncertain tone.
"It could be the last time we talk about them to each other."
" I regret not giving you a better life... you deserved it more."
"oh brother don't say that we both deserved a better life."
" what are you planning about the sabotage?"
"it will be risky but we will have to be in our combined forms to fight Repo and hope that the others can fight off Nectar, and incase that doesn't work there is a plan b."
"what is plan b?"

"well incase that one of us die during the fight we know that the other has a 50% percent chance of surviving. and even with that chance the body is still able to be used as a bomb to hit at least one of them," Undertone replies as plier looks away not knowing what to say at first.
"it sounds like you have been planning this for a good while," Plier responds.
"I actually have to be honest, but I was looking for the right moment." Undertone says as he pulls out two bombs that seem to be self crafted.
"do they have detonators?"
"yes we will have each other's detonators so that we can set it off."

"I don't think I have the spark to do that to you even after death," Plier says holding the detonator in her servo. 
" you won't have to, I hope," Undertone saying the last bit under his breath. Plier hugs her twin brother which catches him off guard at first but he then hugs her in return. 
"I'm sorry that things have to go this far," Undertone cries holding his sister closer.
"if it is the only ways we have out of here then its not your fault," Plier responds rubbing his back.

"we should do one more thing before anything else," Undertone says as he begins to put the bomb into his system storage.
"what is that?" Plier responds doing the same thing.
" ask primus for help," Undertone says getting onto his knee pads. Plier does the same and they hold each other's servos in the air.
"primus I know we have strayed away from your path but please... please help us in this quest of freedom one way or the other," Undertone and Plier say in unison shaking slightly knowing that death will hang over everyone on the ship. the Necro bot will make his rounds this cyber week and that he will stop at the battle to see who had fallen.

"Twins get your afts out here! it is time to get ready for the attack!" Repo calls from outside there room in his usual sickly sweet tone. the twins look to each other and give the other a encouraging nod as they stand up and walk out of the room. Plier takes one last look at there room and in a flash she can see all of the memories they have made there both good and bad. Undertone takes her servo and pulls her out of the phase and to the main area of the ship. Nectar who has her ax over she shoulder looks as her crew joins around her.

"this is the Chord that those stupid bots pay for everything!"

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