Avoiding the outstretched swords, people took other routes to reach the door and did not pass by them. They were averted from her and therefore, the insults and spitting stopped.

Li Lian's heart softened. Why was he being kind to her now when her death was near? Luo Meng always despised her.

"I hope the slap I gave you can be forgotten and bygones can be bygones," Luo Meng said without turning to her and holding still in his position.

Li Lian did not respond. What could be said when all had been said and done?

After the room emptied, Luo Meng sheathed his swords and left.

"We shall be outside, Your Highness," Ai told Li Lian as she summoned the entourage to leave with her alongside that of Yuwen Hong.

Left alone with her husband, Li Lian was surprised to hear him in all his tenderness, saying to her, "Are you going to kneel there all day?"

She rose and ambled to him.

He sat forward on his throne seat, elbows balanced on his thighs with his fingers entwined together. There was an open scroll before him with a painting of her younger self still in Huticah.

"Do you think someone in the Inner Court was behind this?" His voice was soft.

Li Lian frowned.

"Maybe someone intended to disrupt the wedding ceremony and coronation," he added.

The gears in her mind changed, not knowing whether she was receiving his words rightly. He was not angry that she was the princess of Huticah?

"I will believe you, my love, you are not the Princess of Huticah."

He tilted up a little and took her hands that she was forced to go on her knees, her head between his thighs. His fingers slowly caressed her palm to lull her into calmness.

She stole a glance at him. Yuwen Hong looked dazed, as if the reality of everything had him in a state of emptiness, one he did not seem to want to come out from. He was not the Yuwen Hong she knew.

Her eyes captured his and she could see the fear hidden in them. He did not want to face what was before him, and silently, he was begging her. He wanted her to admit all of it was a farce, just so he could believe her and silence the world's accusations.

She shook her head. She could not do it anymore. Lies were tiring, they stole from you the ability to live freely. As the saying went, "Concealing the truth is like wearing embroidered clothes and travelling by night."

She raised her hand and delicately feathered her fingers from his temple to his chin. She shook her head as tears slid on her cheeks.

It humbled her that he loved her so much to have desired to believe her till the end, even if the glaring truth was before him, he would believe her all the way. His trust in her had chained him to bear her lies for so long. This was not the love she wanted for him. The truth was now there to set him free.

He closed his eyes and relaxed towards her touch.

"Say something," he urged, taking her wrist so he could direct her palm onto his mouth. He tenderly kissed it, pouring himself for her.

It made the pain much worse. She wanted that forever. Nothing else.

"Actually... I... I am... the princess of Huticah."

"No, you are not," he scowled, eyes widening.

It didn't register right away. It took a few breaths. Only when his face began changing to white did she know her words were settling in.

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