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His feet unknowingly brought him to his lover, now his wife, who was ofcourse not in her sane mind, as she faltered to witness the presence behind her,let alone her lover, she was now the supreme mother in her destructive nature, the Mahakali herself, wiping out all the ill, and impurities from the earth. His mind was not cooperating with his own conscience, while his mind was finding every possible way to calm his empress, his conscience was elated that, the suppressed emotion was now flowing out. But in this turmoil, he let his heart choose the best way, he knew in the war of logic and rationality only love could win, the supreme lord himself was the testimony of it. He embraced his raging lover from behind, while her arm was on air, for an impact on the rain.

"Don't touch me, don't touch a woman who is unchaste, O great son of Pandu" a voice which was surely his beloved's but it's magnitude was unknown to him chimed, the voice was clear, enough loud to hear, but which made his blood freeze was devoid of emotion on the voice and the words she uttered.

Unchaste, she claimed herself as unchaste, how could she think such horrific about herself? Was not his love enough to made her believe on herself at her lowest? Was his love so fragile that it got defeated to boost up her morale when she needed it most.
A thundering slash along with a wrath sounded thunder forcibly took him out of his self baffling situation.

The sword was now on ground, piercing it to some inches, she was still at her position, eyes wide open gawking the heavy downpour, those blue black orbs held no shine, it's matte as if lost all its radiating aura. As he was now facing her, he did not wasted a fraction of time to engulf her in his embrace basking her with his warmth, but now his hold is powerful,  he was well aware of the strength the lady in his embrace possessed, but he was determined not to loose his arm, but to his utter astonishment, the lady neither pushed her in attempt to free herself nor accepted his warmth, she just stood their lifeless, soulless.

"Please say something Krishnaa, please do this much help to your Kiriti, I may withstand the powerful weapon or treacherous politics, but this man of yours can never tolerate the silence from you. I know, I'm asking too much,but you're a part of the supreme lady my love, please do this much for me. Please Krishnaa" the man uttered, voice broken, tears now mixed with rain drops cascading down his cheek.

"Part of supreme lady you said, Third pandav, and my man. I knew that the Savyasachi possessed a great sense of humour, but never knew until now. An unchaste woman neither can be a part of the divinity herself nor claim in single man, as she is available for all. Take my advice, O great Arjuna, break this bond of nupital, when there is time, unless whole life of yours will pass lamenting accepting an unchaste woman as your wife, who has male friends. You're a great man,find an equal great woman, who will be worthy as your wife, whom no one can raise a finger to throw any taint. Take my advice, and proceed to do according"  her emotion lacked voice mouthed, the man infront was though wanted to cut her off at many times, but he knew she needed to vent it out, the best was to be as tear,but the lady infront of him was too strong to mask her tears.

"Listen, you had said, what you wanted to. I never interrupted you, but now," he halted her frol attempting to silence himself by placing his right index on her full cherry lips, the only touch brought shiver of ecstasy down his spine, but he composed himself.

"You let those vile comments from those imbecile to corrupt your sanity don't you Krishnaa? But why ? Am I not enough, does my love enough to keep you safe from those viles? Tell me Krishnaa, tell me. You're princess of fire, you born from the sacrificial pyre, you're descendent of lord Agni who can purify every sin, how the daughter of fire can be impure? Answer me Kalyani. You're birth prediction foretold about the purity and chasity you'll posses, answer me Yojanagandha how can the part of supreme lady be unchaste, that too for befriending the Man whom most of the Aaryavart claim to be reincarnation of Narayan himself? " The purshottam howled in agony, falling onto his knees, while clutching the waist of his beloved securely.

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