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"Oi, Sunarin, wanna see this cool thing I have?" Atsumu asked 'innocently,' holding a suspicious-looking box.

"No. You open it yourself," Rintarou snapped, stepping away from the Twin he oh so desperately wanted to ban from his wedding.

That's right bitches, his wedding.

Right after confessing their love in a mess of tears two years prior, he and Osamu had jumped right into their relationship and then a little over a year later, got engaged and four months after that, were on their way to marriage.

Might as well have kids at the speed they were going.

It was the happiest moment of their lives. Happier than when Rintarou had basically left most of his snacks because when Osamu found out the main reason he ate so many, his heart nearly broke in two and made it his life goal to always keep him occupied and be someone that would listen and talk to him when need be. To be the person that would soothe his worries and listen for hours on end about his likes, dislikes, and inner monologue. They’d lay at odd hours of the night, hands intertwined while they weren't asleep and simply listen to each other breathe. Surprise dates and surprise visits at Rintarou’s new job─ he had left the bar right after bagging Osamu─ had become a favourite and Osamu was more than proud to walk in and be met with his loves giant smile.

Little things like that or the big things slowly began prying Rintarou away from his obsession with crunchy packaged foods and by the time they realized, he was eating more healthy food─ although still being horribly hesitant most of the time.

It had been a time of trial and tears and a time of excessive caffeine consumption but they made it through.

"Come on Sunari-"

"Tsum, I swear if you're ruining this wedding, we're calling off ours in fear that you trash it as well."

Atsumu blanched, absentmindedly handing the box to one of his little cousins as he processed Kiyoomi's words.

"We're gettin' married?"

"Well, not any time soon but I figured if we stayed together, then yeah."

“Oh my god.”

Atsumu threw himself onto his boyfriend, eyes shining brightly as if he were a two year old presented with a chest filled with sweet junk as he wrapped him in a giant hug, Rintarou mouthing his thanks to his friend to which he received a nod of reassurance.

Moments later, an angry Aunty Miya was heard yelling and that's when Atsumu realized what he had done.

"Oh shit, I guess the little kid opened the box," he whispered, hiding behind his boyfriend because more than likely, they'd suspect it was him. "She must be covered in blue paint."

Both Rintarou and Kiyoomi glared at him but that wasn't anything to be concerned about now that the wedding would be starting within five minutes.

As fairytales went, it was all magical and hue-filled, tears were shed and only the grooms could see each other. Even when Rintarou made his way down the aisle, being unable to hold himself, he sobbed during the entire process. Only did he pause when it was time for vows and then he took a moment to clear himself and hold it together for the time being.

He was surrounded by a new family, his friends, his husband, his stupid brother-in-law, and new parents. Parents that would love him and treat him infinitely better than his biological ones that hadn't made a move to contact him in over a year after they had called and Osamu was there to yell at them.

Both hadn't finished school yet but it was okay because they were certain that if they were able to get through a situation that wasn't considered that big by a number of people, they were able to get through ones much larger and worse. They had stuck together since childhood and through all that, remained by each other and would so until death do them part. It was only logical.

Osamu was in the middle of opening his own restaurant, Rintarou there to support him from the very start and if they just kept going, they’d make it through successfully. He’d probably even be able to work for his husband.

"How's my hot husband feelin'?" Osamu asked, wrapping arms around the black haired's waist as he pressed kisses on his cheek. "Hope ya won't be cryin' all night."

"No silly. I was just emotional. I’ll be fine later."

"I hope so. Can't have the light of my life cryin' on our honeymoon. That'll make the resort people think ya wanna divorce already."

Rintarou laughed quietly at that, leaning into his husband's strong chest and he smiled.

He smiled because no longer did he have to be or see himself as a Shadow.

Shadow - OsaSuna ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now