Chapter 6

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"I just fuckin' know ya wanted ta stay and were pretendin'," Osamu said as he rolled his eyes, Atsumu grinning mischievously.

"The hell were ya doin' out so far?" Atsumu asked, crossing his arms as he made his way over to the counter, knowing that now that the two were gone, there was a higher chance he'd find out.

"Swear on yer Omi ya won't tell?"

"The fuck? Hell no!" Atsumu blanched in disbelief, feeling the possibilities of finding out plummeting.

"Fine. Swear that yer gonna stop botherin' Rin when I leave?"

That was hard but doable so he nodded.

While having crossed fingers behind his back. Except Osamu didn't know that so he nodded in satisfaction.

"Heard some guys at campus talkin' about their favourite bar at a table beside mine. Didn't care until one'a them said he was talkin' ta the manager and found out they were gettin' a new stripper," Osamu explained, licking his lips before continuing. "He showed a pic he managed ta get while he was there and it was blurry. But I swore it was Rin. Had ta check it out myself ta make sure he wasn't doin' somethin' stupid. Didn't see 'im at all while I was snoopin' around. Not even in the prostitute room until I decided ta leave. Then I found 'im outside and I can't tell if I'm relieved that I didn't see 'im do anythin' stupid or scared to know why he was there in the first place."

Atsumu blinked, uncurling his crossed fingers and muttering under his breath that he swore he wouldn't bother him or tell.

Except mayhaps Kiyoomi if he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"The hell? So ya think Sunarin is actually a stripper? Damn, that's gonna be bad fer yer painful crush. Someone's gonna run their grimy hands all over 'im," Atsumu commented, completely missing the ramen pack that soared directly at his head.

"Shut the fuck up! No ones gonna touch 'im," Osamu said sternly. "And I don't have a painful crush on 'im."

"That's right. Yer in-fuckin'-love. Ya can't fool me. Ya never look at anyone as disgutin'ly as ya do 'im and ya've never cared about anyone else. Yer too far gone, brother."

Osamu frowned. It was most definitely true but he didn't need to hear it out loud. Especially not from Atsumu.

"Yer missin' the point, stupid. The first question right now is wonderin' that if Rin was a stripper, why didn't he mention he needed spare cash or somethin'? I woulda helped."

Atsumu couldn't answer that, shrugging to his brother's worry.

The two relished in their rare silence, wordlessly getting utensils ready for when their lover and love interest would arrive. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long, the two arriving red-cheeked from the cool night wind, not to mention it was kind of late so that decreased the temperature level, and both their hands filled with bags because each knew that their favoured twin was a big eater.

We're back~" Rintarou called out, Kiyoomi instantly noting that one, Rintarou was suddenly happier than usual and two, Atsumu was suspiciously quiet.

And when Atsumu was suspiciously quiet, that more than likely meant he did something bad or, he was going to do something bad.

"Tsum, why're you so quiet?" Kiyoomi asked, setting down his bags before heading to his boyfriend's side and looking at him intently. "What'd you do? I swear if you touched my laptop and fucked it up."

Atsumu quickly waved his hands, beaming brightly as he quickly looked at his brother. Why the hell did he have to agree to remain quiet? Well, he kind of didn't at first but he just had to change his mind.

"Swear I didn't touch yer expensive ass laptop! Samu was just fightin' with me!"

Osamu rolled his eyes at the excuse, Kiyoomi glaring over to squint at him but leaving it at that because Rintarou seemed unfazed.

Osamu cooked, Rintarou sat on a stool watching and talking with him and the other two sat on the couch, Atsumu annoying his boyfriend with sudden kisses that Kiyoomi didn't pull away from.

By the time the meal was cooked, eaten, and Kiyoomi had cleaned, it was finally time for the best friends to have a talk. Except Rintarou didn't know about the said talk. He was just glad Osamu was there and didn't know what to expect.

"Hey, Sakusa," Osamu said, going up beside him right as he washed the dishcloth one last time. "Would ya mind takin' Tsumu out fer a bit?"

Kiyoomi looked at Osamu levelled, not willing in the slightest and he'd voice that.

"Why? I see no reason to leave my dorm room."

"I wanna talk ta Rin. Privately."

"You can do that in his room. I don't like Tsum's roommate. He's annoying," Kiyoomi stated, no sign that he was willing to leave.

"Oh come on! Yer Rin's roommate!" Osamu whispered aggressively. "Ya should've noticed by now that somethin's off. I needa talk ta him before it gets worse."

Kiyoomi knew it was true. He was aware but never did anything in hopes that he'd be okay but now that Osamu was making a deal of it, he knew he should've been more careful when Rintarou had insisted he was fine. Osamu was here and they were close, he'd definitely be able to handle Rintarou if anyone could.

"Alright. If I come back to find him crying because of you, you're dead. Whether you're my boyfriend's brother or not, I don't care."

"Cryin'? Rin doesn't cry easily."

"It was a figure of speech, stupid," Kiyoomi hissed as a cover-up, internally panicking that Osamu didn't know how often Rintarou actually cried.

Either it was something that just started, he never let the twin see, or he trusted Kiyoomi enough to cry on him.

Either way, all were terrifying if Osamu wasn't aware. Kiyoomi would leave them to figure it out because it seemed to be getting more serious by the minute and he was on the verge of being scared.

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