Chapter 10

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Two pair of goddamn shoes and that's when he braced his shoulder in preparation to slam against it, door swinging off its hinges pitifully.

It took a total of two seconds to register Rintarou looking completely out of it and a man standing in front of him, pants unbuttoned but nothing out yet. It seemed as if he had been struggling to keep Rintarou up and deal with his natural stubbornness.


Who cared about an answer to his question because, with the flimsy door that had broken, Osamu used it to slam against the man's head, not caring if he had broken his neck but glad that it was strong enough to have him fall on the ground, cold. For good measure, he stepped onto his balls with full force, hoping he popped something before quickly going to Rintarou who was just about to fall off the toilet.

"Rin? Are ya awake?" Osamu asked quietly, poking his cheeks before coming to the conclusion that even if he was, he wouldn't be getting any clear answers. "Come on, Bub, we're going to my place."

After he got his ID back and promised to the employees and manager that he was actually taking care of Rintarou and he wasn't teaming up with the man that lay in the bathroom, he was able to go─ only after proving it with Rintarou's phone wallpaper, showing them his gallery, and proving it with being able to show them their speed dials.

He swore all they wanted was something to gossip about.

That night was spent taking care of his best friend and making sure he was hydrated, flushing out the drugs and dressing him every time he'd drool on himself or puke a little. By the time he had called Atsumu to tell Kiyoomi that Rintarou was alright, it was already the following day nearing lunchtime. He really should've told them from the day before but they had been the last ones on his mind.

That's when Osamu busied himself with making a soup filled with enough hidden vegetables that would hopefully nourish his groggy best friend somewhat. His friends had still been there when he returned the same night, all of them worried and anticipating his return but left the moment they spotted him bridal carrying a drugged-out Rintarou. Even his roommate left to give them some time.

"Eat up, Rin," Osamu instructed, helping with spoon-feeding him as his hands were still clammy.

"Ahh," Rintarou said loopily, still recovering as he giggled around the spoon, Osamu smiling at him.

He wouldn't spring him with questions yet, allowing them to lay in bed all day and ditch their classes as Rintarou made himself comfortable on his best friend's chest, dressed in his comfortable clothing that held the smell he loved and dread building up as he felt the time coming when he'd have to tell what was actually happening in his life.

He felt like escaping, not wanting to face reality but alas, he had been wandering in the darkness for too long and it was time to come to light. His light.



It was coming.

"Ya know we kinda hafta talk about this, right?"

"Not really. We don't have to," Rintarou tried but he had already lost.

Osamu pulled on a shirt, getting them up as he guided them to his living room to sit on the couches. Rintarou fidgeted with his hands staring anywhere but at Osamu's face.

"Let's start with why ya were at the bar last night and the time before," Osamu said, getting right in. "Enlighten me"

"I work there?"

Osamu blinked, nodding slowly as he tried to process the fact that Rintarou actually worked in a bar.

"Alright. So, what d'ya do?"

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