Ch 16

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Nico's POV:
I rod through night with Grey on my shoulder who stayed unusually silent. I didn't want to argue with him so i kept quiet with the only sound were the wind and my shoes tapping up against the rooftops.

After a while I finally arrived at my destination.
It was an older building that at first glance looked abandoned but once you got inside it was the exact opposite.

I waked to the side of the building and knocked a pattern on the rusted door. Almost immediately someone answered.

He was an companion of mine who stood at 6 feet with shaggy bond hair that nearly covered all his face. "Why hello Alex" I said with my famous smile.
All he did was scowl at me and moved out of the way to let me pass.

Once inside I was greeted by some guards who were once old adventurers but as they called it retired but the truth was they took a much darker path.
Caught up in the underground world I happened to be apart of.

They all looked at me with curiosity probably wondering why I had someone on my shoulder.

I could feel Arthur start to squirm so I pinched his leg letting him know to stay still.

I walked straight passed the stares and into my room.
It was a bigger room with a sofa, king sized bed, and all that good stuff.

It was quite luxurious.

I didn't mind the shabby one I had before but I thought about Arthur and how I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

Once the door was shut he flew off of my shoulders and backed away towards the edge of the room as if I was going to hurt him.
"What's wrong, Grey?" He looked dumbfounded by my question and I could see his eyes try to search for an exit I knew wasn't there.

"Listen..... why don't you just let me go a-and we can t-talk about this another time." He said.
"Oh, but what is a better time then now? We can catch up all we like and take as long as we want." I walked towards the very wary male and pulled him by his hair he glared at me and was about to protest when I put a cloth around his mouth to make him quiet.

"Your mine. Nothing will change that fact. So long your alive I will never let you be anywhere but by my side."
"Understand ?"
Arthur turned his head away from me which only fueled my anger. "I asked if you understand?!" I yelled this time pulling his head farther back making him to wince in pain.

He nodded his head frantically and I pulled him over by his hair to the bed. I was on top of him holding him by his wrist, I don't know why I was being so rough with him, he needs to understand that he belongs to me now, just like I wanted.

I started to lean down closer to him.

You guys know how I love cliffhangers

Also I want your guys opinions of possessive Nico

Obsession.  Nicoxarthur TBATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora