Ch 8

443 14 2

"I can't believe Elijah did that to me!"
"He tried to touch my.."
I internally screaming at myself.
I feel like a flustered girl.

In my rant I run into a couple of students giving a brief apology with a heavy blush still planted on my face.
This is bad, I can't let this continue! He's a kid and I'm a grown man!
So why do I feel like this....

"I just want to die in a hole!"
Everyone was staring at me in confusion.
Shit I said that out loud.

I speed walk away a little embarrassed.

I decided to take a walk instead.
I don't have any DC work tonight so I have plenty of free time.

The small walkways were empty.
Everyone is either turning in for the night or still stuffing there face with food.

I feel Sylvie starts to get fidgety and I know exactly what she wants.

"I'm guessing you're still hungry, huh?"
She responds. Which means yes.
I let her run off and steal food from the cafeteria and other students trays if possible.

I roam around for awhile and watch the sun set and the stars start to appear.

"Hey Arthur! What are you doing out here?"
I look over and see Tess run over to me.

Shit. What if Elijah sees.

I look around cautiously and see no one in sight.
"This is gonna sound strange but.... do you not like me anymore?"
I see a sad look in her eyes.
"Why would you think that?" I turn my head in question.
"Well you never want to hang around me anymore... and you already know I.... like you."

I feel a ache in my chest knowing I can't return her feelings.
Before I could respond a cloth gets in placed over Tessia's mouth making her pass out and slip to the ground.

I looked up to meet the eyes of the perpetrator only to be met with some very familiar.

Left you with a cliffhanger

Obsession.  Nicoxarthur TBATEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu