Ch 12

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Arthur's POV:
It's been a month since the incident with Elijah-I mean Nico.
I haven't seen him since and according to director Goodsky he left his resignation letter under her door.

I felt a sense of relief you could say, but, I'm still in shock from his "truth"
What happens now? What's he going to do to me?

"I'm scared"

-Arthur!" Someone shouted.
I looked over and realized I was in a dc meeting and quickly snapped back to reality.
"Sorry, I was just a thinking about... the schedule." I lied.

They didn't believe me but moved on with the meeting anyways. As soon as Claire excused us I bolted out of the room before anyone could talk to me.

I could feel myself hyperventilating and slowed down my pace and grabbed tightly at my chest trying to breath. Am i having a panic attack?
I wouldn't know because I've never experienced one before even in my past life, or you could say I was never aloud to.

I saw a couple students give me funny looks so I went as fast as my body could to make it to somewhere where I could be alone.

I knew my training room was just a couple of halls away so I decided that would be the best place.
As soon as I saw the door I bolted in and shut it behind me falling to the ground grabbing at my throat and practically rolling on the grass.

"Oh my god,!" Are you ok brat" I turned around and saw Virion and Gideon rushing towards me. I didn't have the strength or the breath to respond which made me panic even more.

"breath In and out Arthur!" Virion held my head on his lap repeating his words to me. I felt my vision get blurry and there voices muffle.
"Breath in for 3 seconds and out for five!" Gideon said.

I started to do as he said and took it slow. I slowly started to regain my vision and breathing.
Soon I was back to breathing normally all that was left were the worried faces of the two people in front of me.

"Arthur....... are you ok now?" Virion asked.
"They were obviously not buying it so i tried to get up to prove it but Virion quickly laid my head back on his lap.

I looked at him unsure what to say so I just laid there.
"Go get him some water" he said to Gideon which he did so in a hurry.

I didn't feel like explaining myself because I didn't even know why I was having a panic attack. I just stayed where I was while he moved my hair form my sweat drenched face.

I felt a wave of emotion hit me because someone else I know used to do this when I was stressed or anxious.
That someone was......Nico.

My poor baby Arthur

Obsession.  Nicoxarthur TBATEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora