Ch 14

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Arthur's POV:
"We were just asking about you" he said with that manic smile he has.
I was like a rag doll, I couldn't move, why can't I move?
He started to rub his cheek against mine while tightening his grip around me.

"I was so lonely without you all this time, I thought I was going to die." He said with a sad face.
"Papa! Are you ok?!" Sylvie practically screamed in my head. "Sylvie..... I need you to stay put," was all I said before blocking out our mental connection.

I refused to look in Nico's eye and kept my head low. Which seemed to piss him off.
"Why do you turn from me?" I could tell it was a serious question from his tone. I refused to answer him and kept kept my eyes averted.

"Is it because I killed those useless people down there,? Because you of all people shouldn't be one to talk." I felt my blood run cold because I knew exactly what he meant.

I couldn't do anything but stand there and look stupid. So unlike me. I was never good at confronting my past or my feelings, now I'm having to do both.

Instead of fear I started to feel anger run the my veins and ripped myself out of his grasp with a burst of fire.

I looked at him with cold eyes and with the full intention to hurt this man I once called my best friend.

But to my shock all he did was look at me with a tooth full smile and lust spread across his pale face.
"You have no idea what you do to me when you look at me like that."
He closed in the small gap between us and tried to reach for me but instinctively ended up smacking him straight across the face.

He stood silently while his cheek turned a light red from the impact. Suddenly the same aura type power once again was released from his body and attached onto mine.
I knew i had to do something before I got caught in it again.

I tried every element to ward off the power but nothing would stop it from coming closer to me and wrapping around every crevice of my body.
I struggled. But nothing I did would work.
I had one option left, something I haven't done for a long time.

I called for help.

Yelling at the top of my lungs screaming my dads name to save me.
"ARTHUR HOLD ON!, IM COMING!!" My father yelled back to me. Hearing him say he was coming for me lit a warm feeling in my chest causing a small smile appear on my lips.

"Why do you smile at them?" I turned my head to look at Nico confused at his question.
"Why didn't you ever look at me like that?"
"It really ticks me off!" He grabbed my collar and flicked my head lightly as if trying to inflict as little pain as possible.

He picked me up and threw me over my shoulder effortlessly while I tried to squirm out of his grasp.
"Keep doing that and Jasmin here won't be so pretty anymore." Nico threaten.
I stopped my fight immediately not wanting any harm to come to her.

"That's a good boy" he jumped out then now shattered window and rod into the night.

Obsession.  Nicoxarthur TBATEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora