A Blessing or A Curse?

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Shu exhaled a huge deep breath after making a short plan as how to live without making anyone suspicious of him.

"Hahh, seems like things would get a little bit challenging from now" He thought to himself.

He then glanced at Mei Qi who is currently stood beside him like a statue.

"Mei.. can i call you mei?" he asked.

"Your word is an order young master, you didn't have to ask" she instantly replied.

Shu heard this, made a complex expression on his face as he didn't like how she phrased it, even if she's maid she is still a human being.

"You have been assigned to serve me right?"

"Yes, young master." she replied

"And that means you belong to me right?"

"Yes, young master."

"You also said my word is an order isn't it?"

"Yes it is"

"Then from now on, i forbid you to say such a thing ever again."  Shu spoke with a smile on his face.

Heard this, Mei suddenly became dumbfounded, as he's different from the rumours said about him.

There's a rumour has been going around in the sect that said the Shu Family prodigy is cold-blooded and isn't talkative toward people. That's why she has been so obedient and serious.. it's because she scared that she would get scolded by him.

"W-w-what do you mean by that master?" She instantly asked.

"What do you mean what i mean? i said what i said." He replied.

Hearing this, Mei grew more dumbfounded by his master actions. Baffled by him, she unconsciously nodded.

Seeing her reaction, Shu smiled at her which is making her out of sudden became flustered.

He then look at her and said "Mei, can you leave me alone for a bit? i've something i had to take care of."

The earlier flustered young lady grew more flustered as she has misunderstood what Shu mean. Her face became all beet-red like a fresh tomato.

Noticed her reaction, Shu suddenly panicked and said "N-NOO, IT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!"

Mei who was currently too flustered and blushed can't stand anymore to be in the room instantly took a step and ran toward the door before walked out of the room.


She accidentally slammed the door.

Suddenly a soothing soft voice resounded across the hallway.

"Ehh Meimei? is that you?.. why did u slammed that room door?.. and also why did your face became all red?" a young lady with an elegant dress that seems to be a bit older than her asked.

"Young Lady Shu? what are you doing here?" Mei replied.

"I have just returned from my training and about to go for lunch, how about we go together? have you take one?"

"I haven't" Mei replied.

"That's good! You should keep me company, Let's go take a lunch together!"

Mei got dragged by her before got to saying even a single words, both of them then could no longer be seen near Shu's Room.


In the meantime, Shu was dumbstruck with his own word. He froze for a few seconds before releasing a huge sigh.

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