But on the other hand, I have an image to uphold. I mean, she did go as far to get my number...which she probably got from Eleanor and now making it seem that she went through far lengths to obtain it... Damn you Mariah for almost making me feel guilty!

I toss my phone on the bed and make my way to my en-suite bathroom. I get rid of my oversized T-shirt and undies and step into the shower.

The warm water that trickled down my skin felt absolute bliss. I felt my hangover somewhat dissipating and the icky feeling of sweat leaving my body.

After my long shower, I felt refreshed. I then got dressed in a fresh plain oversized shirt and sweatpants (I've come to the realisation that I may have an obsession with loose fitting clothes. I will admit, they're quite comfortable).

When I finished up, I cleaned my room, got rid of my duvet smelling like vodka and threw it in the washing machine with the clothes I wore yesterday.

I then proceeded down to my kitchen and gave Dobbie–my cat–food and fresh water.

I prepared myself a light breakfast consisting of toast and avocado, sprinkled with salt and pepper and a large glass of orange juice. Just as I was about to do dig in, my phone rings once again.

I place my toast down with a sigh and grab my phone from the counter. I look at the screen and purse my lips, contemplating whether I should answer the phone or not. I waited for the call to end, but they just ended up calling again leaving me no choice but to answer.

"Allistor." I say with a sigh, without even bothering to say a 'hi'.

"Morning to you too-"

"I swear to God, if you're at my front door I am going to murder you with my bare hands." I tell him.


"You're at my front door aren't you?"


Damn it...

I get up from my chair causing it to make a loud screeching sound. I angrily make my way to the front door and swing it open a bit too aggresively.

"Morning sunshine." Allistor greets with a smile, revealing his pearly white teeth.

"Sunshine my ass." I reply.

I start scanning his attire with a raised eyebrow as he ran a hand through his short dark curls.

He looked absolutely fantastic in his long checkered coat and black turtleneck with a denim ripped jeans and formal shoes. Man, he's got taste when it comes to fashion. If only he wasn't annoying he'd pass for the mysterious type.

''Aren't you going to invite me in?'' He questions with a raised brow, his smile still very much plastered on his face.

I show him my middle finger as I step aside so he can enter my humble abode which he acts like belongs to him. No really, he does. He enters my house without my permission if the door is left unlocked. I live in a quiet neighbourhood, so I sometimes tend to forget to lock my door which he takes advantage of.

He walks over to my kitchen with me following behind and places a bag on the counter. He then walks over to my fridge which he opens with a grin. Like I said, he acts like the place belongs to him.

''Your fridge is always filled with a lot of stuff'' He muttered under his breath as he looked through my groceries.

I give a sigh in response and seat myself down as I grab a slice of toast.

''So, what are you doing here at...'' I trail off as I look at the clock on my wall, ''eight in the fucking morning.''

''Well, I thought I would stop by,'' he began as he takes out a bottle of water ''because I have news for you.''

''Let me guess, you and your sweet boyfriend had a good time last night?'' I hinted swaying my toast at him, my eyes squinting with suspicion.

He takes a long sip from the bottle and gulps it down, releasing a overly dramatic sigh with his hands on his hips.

''Last night was amazing. Sex with Jonathen is always filled with passion and-''

''Have a little respect, I'm eating!'' I cut him off.

''Well you're the one who brought it up.'' He defended.

''Yeah but can you spare the details?''

He rolls his eyes at my words and seats himself on the counter with one leg across the other.

''On a serious note, what brought you here so early? I highly doubt you're here to brag about sex.'' I inclined.

''I heard you were invited to Mariah's wedding this upcoming Saturday.''

''Your point being?''

''Belle, I know for a damn fact that you're contemplating whether on going or not.''

I felt myself cringe at the nickname he used. It's too much of a cutesy name for someone such as myself who has a shitty attitude.

''First of all Mariah didn't invite me, it sounded more like a damn threat. And secondly, I was actually thinking of going. I mean I could use a change of scenery....'' I drawled out.

Another smirk overtakes Allistor's face, this time being a mischievous one. Fuck, he has something up his sleeve again. I take a big gulp of my juice and avoid his gaze, looking at my now empty plate.

''Isabella we're going shopping and you're going to outshine that bitch who threatened you, including the other women who think of you as absolute shit stuck under their shoe.'' He declared with a serious tone.

''Well that's oddly specific...''

''You'd be surprised by how much shit talking I hear about you back at work. What I just said is nowhere near to how bad they actually talk about you.'' He noted finishing his water and crumpling up the bottle.

''I could use an upgrade when it comes to my wardrobe, hell, I don't even know what's considered fashionable these days.''

I could also use this as an opportunity to get some fresh air and visit my mom after yesterday's small outburst. Allistor can also teach me more about fashion seeing as though he's basically a fashion icon. Oversized shirts and sweatpants isn't exactly going to work very well at an event such as a wedding.

After Allistor and I talked a bit more about his 'hot night', I started getting ready for our shopping spree.

I'm going to outshine those bitches on Saturday.

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