"Why are you twisting everything I'm saying?"

"I'm not twisting anything, that's what I'm hearing."

"Well it's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying?" Because I'm not understanding.

"All I'm saying is this school is a good one. I got accepted so I'm going to consider it, obviously. Do you expect me to pass up a good opportunity just for you?"

"No, I wasn't asking you to. Im just asking what we're going to do if you go to that school or another one far away."

"I don't know Bey."

"Well I don't want to be in some long distance relationship I've only been in for couple months." That's what she called our relationship.

"Well maybe I don't either."

I stood up, "Okay then."

"So you're just going to leave?"

"If I stay, then what? We break up?"

"Who said anything about breaking up? You want to break up with me?"

"I'm just saying. If you're going to be far away and I'm going to be stuck here like the dumb farmer I am-"

She laughed, "Who called you a dumb farmer? Please."

"I'm just saying, what's the point?"

"What's the point?!" She pushed me and I almost tripped on the beanbag chair. "Just get the fuck out."

"Do you-"

"Get the fuck out. Just leave, I don't even want to talk to you right now."

So I left.

I didn't want to go home so I went to Kelly's. She always makes me feel better.

When I got there, I got out of my truck and knocked on her door.

Instead of Kelly opening the door, Robyn did. "Oh shit, hey Bey."

"What are you doing here?" Why is she so comfortable just opening the door like this? Are there no adults here?

"No, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my best friend." I walked inside, "Where is she?"

"Uh.. the shower."

Yuck.  I turned right back around and got in my truck.

Megan was probably busy and my other friends catfished my girlfriend so I called Dwayne.

I was honestly surprised when he answered. "What's up Bey?"

"Hey, are you busy right now?"

"Why?" I learned that he's always suspicious because he was in jail.

"I wanted to hang out." Obviously. 

"Oh, then no I'm not busy."

"Can I come pick you up? We could go to Target or something."

He laughed, "Target?"

I awkwardly laughed, "I was just kidding." No I wasn't. "Do you want to get food and just hang out?"

"Yeah, I'll be ready by the time you get here."

"Okay cool, I'm on my way." I hung up and started driving to his house, he didn't live that far from Kelly.

When I got to his house, I texted him and he came outside in a white shirt and basketball shorts. 

He got my truck and did that hand thing he always does when he sees me. "Hey nigga."

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