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Lauren's boyfriend was out, she wasn't going to let any of us hear the end of it. She's even going as far as throwing him a welcome home party.

I don't care what anyone says, he snitched. He was supposed to be in jail a lot longer than he was.

Either way, I was going to go. Free food and alcohol.  

Bey was invited too but when I asked her if she was coming, she said maybe. All that meant was I had to drive myself.

I would've much rather sat in the passenger seat of her pickup truck leaving her messages through songs but whatever.

When I got to Lauren's house, I parked and got out shirt my gift for her boyfriend.

A bong and a grinder. I feel like that's a nice gift to get someone who's been in jail for a while.

I went straight inside and it was hood nigga galore. These were all his friends.

I was scared and uncomfortable as shit walking past all of them, I could feel all them staring at me but I had to find Lauren.

It wasn't hard. She was in the kitchen getting her face sucked off by Dwayne.

You could just tell he was in jail from how he was touching her. He was around only men for a while.

I cleared my throat, "Ahem?"

They pulled apart and Dwayne laughed. "Long time no see."

I went over to them and gave him a hug. "Yeah, because you can't stop shooting at people. Hey Lo." After I gave him a hug, I gave one to Lauren.

Dwayne and I were kinda close before he got locked up.

He pointed to the bag, "That's for me?"

"Yeah." I handed him the bag, I didn't get him any weed because I'm sure he has enough of that already.

"Thanks. I'm going to take this upstairs," He looked down at Lauren, "you good?" It's cute how he's always making sure Lauren is okay.

She bit her lip and nodded. She's so in love, is that how I look when I'm talking to Bey?

He went upstairs and left the two of us in the kitchen. "Where's India and Rob?"

"Robyn's on her way and I'm not sure if Indias coming or not. If she is, she should be here soon. Do you want something to drink?"

"Badly, but I do not want to walk past those guys again." Why would she put the drinks by those scary guys?

"I'll get it for you, what do you want to drink?"

"Surprise me." I really just didn't know what she has.

"Okay. Be right back." She left and came back with a red solo cup that she handed to me. "Here you go."

I looked inside the cup, all I could see was that it was dark. "What's in it?"

"Just try it, I promise it's good."

I was skeptical so I just took a little sip and it actually was good. It was strong as hell but it was good.

Robyn came running into the kitchen, "Who are all those men in your living room?"

Lauren laughed, "Dwayne's friends. They're harmless, they just look scary."

"What do you have to eat around here?" Robyn went into the fridge and started looking around.

"All the foods out there, by his friends. I got a lot of different things, I know my man was tired of jail food."

She's about to my man us to death.

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