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The one picture led to a lot more. After a certain time, Bey would make everything sexual. It's like the sun goes down and she becomes a different person.

During the day she would send me good morning texts, compliment me, and make me feel special.

Once the sun goes down everything is about sex. She'll make even the most simple sentence sexual.

She asks me to send her stuff a lot. I honestly thought it was going to be a one time thing but she asks damn near every day.

I still like her a lot as a friend, she's just horny.

The closer we got to Halloween, the more excited I got. Bey and I were going to meet up at a Halloween party.

I found the sexiest costume ever. I wanted Bey to drop to her knees in the middle of that party.

I was bringing my friends, of course. I've never told them about Bey but I didn't want to meet up with someone for the first time alone.

Before that, I had other responsibilities. Like taking my little sister to get pumpkins from a pumpkin patch.

My mom works a lot especially during the day so she can't do that type of stuff for her. As much as I don't want to go to some dumb pumpkin patch, I still want her to have a childhood.

I grew up with both parents so I got to do all the dumb jack-o-lantern and christmas lights shit even with a busy parents.

Now I feel like a parent sometimes. I don't mind it, I love Ming.

At least it gave her a reason to get me a car. The pumpkin patch wasn't that far from our house and I made Ming listen to rap the whole time.

She's not a big fan of loud cursing because she's a little girl but my car, my music and my rules.

We got to the pumpkin patch and I could see little kids running everywhere.

This place looked really cool, especially around Halloween. It was a pumpkin patch but it was like a petting zoo or something.

They had a store where they sold fresh homemade ice cream and dairy products from their cows.

I didn't look around so I didn't see everything else they had.

I opened the door to the passenger seat and Ming ran out the car. Bad ass little girl. You would've thought she was a dog, I need to get a leash from her.

She was about to make me mad. "Ming!"

Her dumbass tripped on a pumpkin stem and fell into this girl. Luckily the girl had a good sense of gravity or they would've both gotten hurt.

She looked strangely familiar. I know I didn't know this girl but she just seemed so familiar like I did.

The girl didn't really seem mad, she lowered herself to talk to her and she was smiling.

I stayed back and watched her talk to her.

She stood up and Ming hugged her leg, weird. She said one more thing to her then Ming turned around and ran to me.

"Do that again and I'll beat your ass Ming. What would've happened if you tripped and she wasn't there? You want to break and swallow your own teeth?"

"No Nika, sorry. Can we go look at pumpkins now?"

"Yeah but you have to hold my hand and stay with me. People like snatching little girls like you up and making you into soup."

"Really?!" Poor baby was shaking in her cowgirl boots.

"Yeah, someone's going to eat you with rice if you keep running off on your own. It's not safe."

It's probably bad to scare her especially since it's about to be halloween but that'll make her learn.

She grabbed my hand with quickness. "I wanna go home."

"You'll be fine as long as you stay with me. Do you want a fat pumpkin or a tall one?"

We started walking through the pumpkin patch looking for pumpkins. She was being so picky like we're not going to cut and gut this pumpkin when we get home.

I heard a voice behind me so deep I felt it in my pussy. Good God.

I turned around and froze. It was her.

Her. Bey.

"Bey?" I was in shock, I was not expecting to see her.

She was even finer in person. She had big muscles, I didn't see that in the picture she sent me.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I'll be right with you in one second ma'am."


I couldn't stop staring at her, I probably looked like such a creep. 

I didn't expect her to sound that country. I've lived in Houston for a while but it was still hard for me to understand her.

She finished helping the people and walked up to me. She still had that customer service smile on her face. "How can I help you today ma'am?"

"Bey why do you keep calling me ma'am?" This is not how I expected our first time meeting to be.

"Bey? Do I know you ma'am?"

"What do you mean do you know me? It's Onika." Maybe she just needed to put a face to the name? She's seen what I look like so many times but maybe I look different in person.

"I'm sorry, I don't know an Onika. Maybe you have the wrong person?"

I thought so until I looked at her name tag. It said Beyoncé, with the accent and everything.

If she's Beyoncé, who the fuck have I been talking to for months?

I picked Ming up left so fast. My legs were moving so fast I was practically running.

"Nika what about the pumpkin? We can't make jack-o-lanterns without one."

"Ma said we have to go home, I'll get you one tomorrow and we can make them and watch Twitches."

Twitches is the best Disney halloween movie. It's probably too 10 Disney originals.

"You promise?"

"Yeah Ming, I promise." I helped her in the car then got in the drivers seat.

I put my head down on the steering wheel. My head was spinning, I have no idea what just happened. 

We drove home listening to the radio. Ming kept trying to talk to me but she eventually caught on that I wasn't in the best mood.

We went home and I went straight to my room and blocked 'Bey' or whoever that was.

if you go back you can see how obvious it was that she was a catfish 😭



Bey not being Bey?

What should Onika do?


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