Orochimaru Vs Itachi who wins Sasuke

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Author's note: This is my first attempt at this kinda stuff, please be nice.

Warning: this book contains sexual content beware and exit if you're sure it's gonna TRIGGER you.


Characters: Orochimaru, Itachi, and Sas-uke...I mean Sasuke

Orochimaru kidnaps Sasuke and takes him to his house, Itachi however comes to rescue his princess brother Sasuke because he wants hot kinky sex from Sasuke.

Sasuke: huh, where am I? and why am I handcuffed to a bed? Could this be a prank by Naruto?

Orochimaru: Ahh, you're awake already, that was faster than I thought. It would be so now I can't do anything with you. I planned to play with your body while you slept.

Sasuke: WHAT!? Let me go you pervert.

Orochimaru: oh my Dear Sasuke sweet talk will get you nowhere...

Itachi: (walks out from the shadows) Orochimaru, why did you kidnap my toy?

Orochimaru: your toy huh? Well, I'm sorry but he's mine now, I love him and I want his body.

Itachi: you've only noticed him recently, I've known him since he was born and I've wanted his body since there are no Uchiha females left to breed with, however considering how we both have the same problem and how much of a reasonable guy I am, we could share him... like take turns on him.

Orochimaru: I like the way you think..or instead of taking turns on him we could have a threesome.

Sasuke: hey! What are you both thinking? I didn't consent to this! I'm not a prostitute. Besides Itachi I hate you and you're my brother which would make it incest and Orochimaru you're Soo bloody Creepy and Ugly as hell.

Orochimaru: I take pride in being creepy as for my looks at least my hair doesn't look like a Chickens ass, as well as you don't have a say in the matter, your consent isn't an option just think of us as Naruto

Sasuke: (blushes)

Itachi: ... I like his hair


Itachi: (sulks in a corner)

Orochimaru: Sasuke surrender your ass to me...

Sasuke: just wait, Naruto will come and save me, he is the only person I will give hot kinky sex to.

Itachi: ...oh Yeah uhmm Sasuke; I killed Naruto...

Sasuke: What!! How dare you? You always kill everyone I love!

Orochimaru: Awe Sasuke-Kun it's alright you still have me, I love you


Itachi: (whispers to Orochimaru) should we tell him?

Orochimaru: (whispers to Itachi) no, he'll be angrier and I don't think my little Sasuke Kun can handle that.

Naruto:(Bursts in through the door) SASUKE! I'm sorry but am in a serious relationship with Orochimaru and Itachi.

Orochimaru: Gah! Naruto!!

Itachi: you idiot, he wasn't meant to know just yet.

Sasuke:.... what...how..no...it.. can't be...(Head explodes)

Itachi: Naruto...you killed him...

Orochimaru: now you have to be our toy...MUAH HAHAHAHAHA! (switches Sasuke's body with Naruto)

Naruto: oh boy..what have I done now... I'm going to be receiving a lot of butt sex.....

~ to be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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