The curiosity kills the cat

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" And why didn't you tell us before? " Whispers Akko somewhat angrily.

" Then I'm the unprepared one here " Hellene whispers too.

" Shhhhhh! I silence you, no arguing now, these things have sound detectors " Lotte whispers making the three shut up.

With all the care in the world they will walk through the corridors, not to be caught by Croix's robots at least until you get close to where is the main exit, where there are some robots just standing in the door and that's where Constanze decided to shine, she takes the backpack of Jasminka a similar robot.
This robot is walking to where the group of others is and with that already detect that is a strange movement, starting to pursue that machine, which Constanze takes to make the robot escape and thus releasing the passage to the main door, but still had another problem, the door was locked.
That's where Amanda starts using picks to go opening the lock, pulling the pins of each part up and thereby ensuring access to the other side, near the cafeteria they could notice that the thing is quite different, still having the robots watching and also some lights going from one side to the other.

" Shit... I didn't expect Croix to be so set up like this, I never got this far " Amanda whispers.

" We just don't go through the floor, we go through the walls or the ceiling " Hellene whispers back.

And with that they take from jasminka's backpack some ropes and go tying them on the walls of the canteen, using a hook to hold the things and holding on to any hole or relief of the wall, passing calmly, until they reach the grass outside and there was much more calm, no more robots presence.

" Whew... We made it to the outside of that place " Akko whispers.

" I've never felt like a lizard before like I do now," whispers Marianne, laughing softly.

It still had another challenge for that corner of Luna Nova and that was the guard dog Arcas, which already had heard the movement, but for that they had prepared to get to distract the dog and until Cons used of a sleeping pill for the dog, using of another robot, it was walking for the grass.
The dog went in direction to the machine wanting to play, until it was being sprayed the spray with sleeping pill well in the face of the dog that was beginning to sneeze, until beginning to fall in the deep sleep, what it was a relief for the girls that don
't have to deal with the dogo argentino, which was until quite scary.

" Arcas is sleeping now, we are free to explore this place " Amanda whispers.

Through the grass walking calmly the seven are reaching the back part of Luna Nova, where they can notice that the grass was getting quite high, revealing a place a little too abandoned, since the vegetation had occupied everything, but nothing more revealing than that showed the surroundings. It
was very dark, besides some insects also mark presence, the vegetation occupied until where it had concrete floor, in the old front door, Akko was the one that passed the hand in those mosses where it didn't reveal nothing but wood, only that they noticed that it had an inscription in the arch that is around the door, in that they took a knife.

" There's some writing around here " Akko whispers.

With the knife they went removing the excess of moss, passing through the surroundings, even having help making a human ladder to take off the highest parts, where they take the advantage to take a picture of what was written there, they were dots and lines, something like Morse code.

"" . " / " .... ." / " .... .. " / ." .. .". ... """ ". / . " / ".. .... """ . ".. / . " "...." ... " . ." ". ". .... / "". .... . .. "... .... / " .... .. " / ." ". / .. .. " ".". .... . " .. .". / . ".. . / "... .... .. " .... / . " ."..". / ".. .".. " ." ". ." "" .... / . " ". / " """ .. "" .... ... . ." ". ". .... ." ".

Luna Nova Holiday CampTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang