An Observation

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Sitting back and observing you
You know pain
I can see it in your face
Quiet and still
Your energy is reserved
A mystery lies behind those eyes
What goes on inside your mind?
You seek little attention
Sense of self is strong
Small talk goes out the window
If I want to know you, I have to dig deep
Intriguing yet intimidating
Beautifully aware
Lover of nature
Not afraid to be alone
You are comfortable in your nakedness
So raw
Lips and tongue move
Words are blunt
Our eyes meet and we stare
Curiosity lingers
Your energy stays reserved
Confident but cautious
Soft and gentle
Movements are slow and thoughtful
But who are you?
Lost in meditation
Smiles show you made peace
Comfortably clothed and barefoot
You don't require much
I see growth
Shy in ways
Compliments make you shift
You are safe with me
Because my words are true
Moon child
You burn bright as the stars
You don't pick flowers but you like to touch them
Loving heart
Kind soul
I want to know you fully
To hold your hand
To simply be
Present with you
Few words spoken yet quite open
Spiritually awoken
Connected and grounded
I look at you with admiration
Do you see it?
The beauty within you
The ocean dances across your feet
The rain falls upon you
And you dance
Welcoming every drop to caress your skin
You do not fit in
Yes, you are one of a kind
Connected with nature
Yet a lone wolf
A stranger to most
Acquaintance to many
Disconnected from family
You create your own path
I hear you talk to God when you believe no one is listening
That's when you appear to be most secure
That's where your heart lies
Just you and your creator
Perfectly designed
Gorgeous girl
Keep opening up
You have so much to offer
I'm here for you
I see your passion
Viewing you is viewing art
There's so much depth

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