Chapter One: "Login"

Start from the beginning

Adjusting everything to his size and liking, he pulled down the visor over his eyes and leaned back in the chair. The chair started to whirl to life, reclining a little as a voice from the monitor announced clearly. "Deep dive in... Three... Two... One." Sean gasped as the visor before his eyes lit up in sharp colors and he felt like he was mentally being pulled into the headset. He had played around with V.R. before, but this was an entirely new experience. Everything about the chair and visor was designed to mentally take you into the virtual world. He was both excited and terrified to do this. The colors swirled, before he was standing in a golden room. Gasping, he glanced down at himself and couldn't believe the realistic graphics. He flexed his fingers and moved as easily as if he was in real life. A set of lights turned on along a wall before him as a soft voice asked him coolly. "Choose your race, young soul." As he approached the wall, he found himself starring into different sets of mirrors that reflected his image as different races.

The voice told him about the different races as he stood before each of the mirrors. While every race had its appeal, one stood out to him the most. Standing before the Elven mirror. He listened to the woman narrate to him. "The Elven race. Native home: Alfheim. Gifted in magic, light weaponry and armor, and capable of flight. Touch the mirror to choose this race." Despite his fear of heights, he did like the idea of flying. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it as a safety precaution. Touching his hand to the mirror, he watched the features within the mirror shimmer as his appearance changed to become an elf. His ears grew out to long pointed tips and his cheekbones sparkled with what seemed to be light glitter. His outfit changed to a long tan loincloth that hung down between his knees. A set of green leather gauntlets and shin guards adorned his arms and legs. While across his bare chest was a thick vine sheath that held a single elk horn dagger. Groaning, Sean wrapped his arms shyly around his chest and snapped out. "This is NOT what I had in mind! This is... I feel like I'm..." Sean turned slightly and drifted off as he saw his wings. He looked like a fairy.

The voice ignored his outburst as it told him cheerfully. "You've chosen the Elven race. You will be given the Elven starter gear and some money to get you started. Visit towns for equipment and feature changes. Your character will develop skills based on how you choose to play. Would you like to go through the tutorial for menu and gameplay?" A tiny screen appeared before Sean with a yes or no answer to her question. Sighing, he pressed yes. He hoped that it wouldn't take long, but he was not going to jump into something this advanced without knowing what to do. He didn't want to get mentally stuck in here. When the tutorial ended a few minutes later, Sean felt better about his choice. Elven fairies were fast and nimble. He felt like a fairy assassin. He was so light on his feet. Although, flying was going to need some work... He could only manage to hover and glide. That wasn't counting his bad landings. The voice congratulated him on his ability to use the menu and basics, then told him. "You are ready to be reincarnated from the World Tree, young soul. Your journey begins."

Sean heard a door open behind him and turned. Beyond the door was a shimmering rainbow bridge that led out into pure white light. Cautiously, walking across the solid bridge, he enjoyed how it lit up with his every step into the lush hollow green insides of what seemed to be a massive tree. Upon stepping out into the light, he gasped as he stepped out of a pale ash tree trunk and out into a rich courtyard garden. All around the courtyard, where other players of different races. They were laughing and talking excitedly as a countdown ticked down in the sky. The courtyard seemed to be sealed off by an invisible wall that kept everyone from venturing off into the city. As he walked around, he overheard people saying that the gates would open when the game had official released around the world. Until then, people were logging in and getting ready. It made him feel better that he wasn't the only elf standing half naked in the courtyard. Glancing around for anyone he knew; he flinched when Mark ran up to him laughing.

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