Chapter 9

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We had scoured the red-light district for more clues, but came up with nothing. The rabbit Akitsuki remained in our company, no doubt being the eyes and ears of Cold Child, which of course made sneaking up on the kid impossible. I had said we should ditch the rabbit, wasn't willing to let us do that and would insist on following us. We tried to run off, leaving it behind, but it could materialize wherever it wanted, which—as if to punish me — was often right on top of my head. It also made a grunting sound that irritatingly enough seemed to be laughter. If it had the nerve to poop in my hair a second time, I was going to throttle the bratty thing! Consequences be damned!

"My feet are hurting and people keep staring at me! Isss there a hole in my veil? Are people seeing my face?" Haruka complained, like a spoiled child. Her sharp voice was enough to hurt my ears.

"Nah, no one should be able to tell yer a Yomiko."

"Then why are they staring at me!?"

"It might be because you're dressed like a man." I could have added that her muscular physique and height also made her seem like a man, albeit one with an enormous chest, but that would be vulgar. I didn't blame the people around us for being bewildered by her appearance. When I had met her as a young child, I had also mistaken her for a man with breasts. It was a mistake that she still held against me.

"It isss more comfortable to fight in! Or do you think I'm going to spin kick someone while wearing a kimono?"

"I am not faulting your dress style. It is very practical for our duties, I agree. I'm merely pointing out that it looks strange to people."

"Well, I don't care what those jerksss think."

"You were the one complaining that they were all staring at you."

".... Well.... I...."

"It's gettin' late, we ought to be headin' back to the Jade Pearl." Satoshi interrupted,

"No. We can still search." I snapped at them. Why were they always so easy going? Did none of them have any ambition? "We have a lead that we can check, that courtesan."

"Ah, you mean the highly fashionable Xiulan!" Kenpachiro looked wistful, his eyes sparkling. "A temperament as impeccable as her sense of style, furthermore she is thoroughly fond of me and will probably not only answer our questions but treat us to fine cuisine and wine as she does so."

"We're not seeing Xiulan, I want to visit with Xiaofan."

"Did I hear wrong or are you truly that daft?" Kenpachiro looked at me as if I had just proclaimed that I was going to go visit the Shogun for a cup of tea. "Do you think you can just waltz up to the door of the highest ranking courtesan in Shanghai and expect her to see you?"

"Well, you've gotten in to see her countless times, apparently."

"Well, naturally, that's because I am me, but you, I'm afraid, are you."

"Well then, couldn't you just waltz on over there now?"

"Ah, I do fear that my visitation would most displease her." Kenpachiro blushed a little. "Last time I was in her grand company, having had a little too much to drink, I might have made the most unflattering remark as to her behavior by comparing her to the literary character of Pan Jinlian..."

"I will not pretend I know who that is."

He made an expression of exaggerated surprise. "Are you serious? She is from the rather ornate novel the Plum and the Golden Vase. It is really quite famous. Even someone like you ought to have heard of it."

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