Chapter 19: Simba's Start with Hakuna Matata

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The trio found a spot under some trees and Pumbaa laid the lion cub by the water. Timon then splashed water on his face, waking him up.

"You okay, kid?" Timon asked.

"I guess so," the lion cub, Simba, answered.

"You nearly died," Pumbaa told him.

"Y/N and I saved you," Timon said, making Pumbaa snort at him and Y/N nudge him, then he added, "Well, uh, Pumbaa helped. A little."

"I would say more than a little," Y/N commented.

"Thanks for your help," Simba told them dully then started walking back toward the desert.

"Hey, where you going?" Timon wondered.

"Nowhere," Simba responded.

"Gee. He looks blue," Timon commented to Y/N and Pumbaa.

"I'd say brownish-gold," Pumbaa said.

"No, no, no, no. He means he's depressed," Y/N corrected.

"Oh," Pumbaa understood, they caught up to Simba, then asked, "Kid, what's eatin' ya?"

"Nothing; he's at the top of the food chain!" Timon joked then laughed hard while nudging Simba and saying, "The food cha-haain!"

He then noticed he was the only one laughing, so he cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Not the time, T," Y/N remarked then asked Simba, "So, where'd you come from, little guy?"

"Who cares? I can't go back," Simba told them.

"Ahh. You're an outcast! That's great, so are we," Timon replied.

"What'cha do, kid?" Pumbaa wondered.

"Something terrible. But I don't wanna talk about it," Simba responded.

"Good. We don't wanna hear about it," Timon remarked then exclaimed after getting smacked upside the head, "Ow!"

"Real smooth," Y/N scowled.

"Yeah. Come on, Timon," Pumbaa agreed then asked Simba, "Anything we can do?"

"Not unless you can change the past," Simba answered.

"You know, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says, 'You got to put your behind in your past'," Pumbaa stated.

"No. No. No," Timon disagreed while waving his arms.

"I mean..." Pumbaa tried to correct.

"Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself," Timon told him.

"It's 'You got to put your past behind you.' Look, hon. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it, right?" Y/N explained.

"Right," Simba answered.

"Wrong!" Timon declared while poking Simba's nose then continued, "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world."

"Well, that's not what I was taught," Simba pointed out.

"Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me," Timon instructed, cleared his throat, then said, "Hakuna Matata."

"What?" Simba questioned.

"Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta," Pumbaa pronounced.

"Yeah. It means 'No worries'," Y/N said.

As they sang, they lead him to a little patch of greenery, where they fanned him and filed his claws.

"Hakuna matata! What a wonderful phrase!"
"Hakuna matata! Ain't no passing craze!"
"It means no worries, for the rest of your days"
"It's our problem-free philosophy"
"Hakuna matata!"

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