Let the battle begin - 12

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   Rin spent the next morning after the mysterious invader and media entered UA with the support course. He and Nezu had discussed several theories behind the man's reasoning for stealing information and both agreed that it could have to do with future attacks. The first that came to mind was the USJ trip Aizawa was taking class 1A on in the afternoon and he would be joining them. They informed the teachers at the teacher meeting later that evening and the many trick arrows Rin was creating with Mei included trackers and cameras in case an attack does take place. Under the guise of another assembly with Nezu teaching the students how to react to an intrusion, many of the other teachers will be hidden throughout the USJ building for extra protection.

   Hatsume Mei seemed clueless to Ray's hidden nerves as she happily chatted about her many ideas for more new babies and Ray added in tips on how to avoid explosions. She just laughed explaining that explosions were the funnest way to learn from your mistakes and Powerloader dropped his head onto his desk in defeat. Sooner than Ray would have preferred, time flew by and Mei joined him as he sat down for lunch with some business students. They were surprisingly interested in hearing about Mei's ideas for her babies and happily discussed the details behind her creating Hatsume Co. and how to make it successful. One of the boys, Aoi, was the most talkative and for some reason didn't seem to take his eyes off Mei much at all, only really when he wanted to eat. Too lazy to really care, Ray turned his attention to his Miso soup and finished it quickly before saying goodbye and joining the Pomeranian, his faithful followers, and the purple haired insomniac.

   After lunch, Ray and the rest of class A changed into their hero costumes as Aizawa suggested USJ was one of the best ways to make sure your costume worked well when trying to move quickly and rescue citizens. Ilda annoyingly chopped his robot arms around as he ordered everyone onto the bus and Ray failed miserably to choke down a laugh at the boy's look of defeat as their line up didn't match the bus's layout. He refused to look at Momo and would only look Ururaka in the eyes as he couldn't understand their need to show so much skin. He understood why midnight did but Momo could have chosen a better design and he didn't want to disrespect Uraraka by accidentally looking down. To his embarrassment, Tsu was quick to mention this and Bakugo teased him before barking in anger when he got teased in return with the mention of his anger issues.

Unlike his classmates, Ray had been inside the USJ for previous training but understood their gasps of amazement as they entered. It truly was unlike any of them had seen before and the size alone was impressive. Thirteen had been very thorough when creating the plans for rescue training and Nezu spared no expense to made sure it was perfect. Ray was well accustomed to many of the disasters as the demons from his past had caused earthquake like tremors as they were chased and he had been the one to light the orphanage on fire. It didn't rain in the demon world often so he was still not used to the flooding area and tornadoes scared him a bit but he has had fun in the past testing his speed as he climbs around in the mountain area. Maneuvering around the landslides wasn't nearly as fun though and the ruins just reminded him of the old temple him and his siblings lived in for a while. Ray was startled out of his thoughts when shark boy, Kiro something, made an excited mention of fake villains.

His fears of a villain attack were confirmed when the purple fog formed more into a portal and many thug looking people appeared. Handy man was one of the last to enter and tired sensei told them all to "stay here" and sent an extra glare his way in warning. Not that Ray was going to listen, but he needed to help the newbies escape first. With a teleportation type of quirk on their side and no idea of its limits, they needed to get to a safer spot quickly. Another problem is that thirteen is not exactly a fighter as their quirk can easily kill their opponents. "We need to get out of here now." Ray said in a calm tone as panic will do nobody any good. "But sensei said-" Gravity girl tried to cut in but Ray cut her off. "No, we will just serve as a distraction and endanger Aizawa even more than we already have."

The class seemed torn on what to do but were quickly distracted as the teleporter had just decided to announce his arrival. "Hello all, I am part of the league of villains and-" As suspected, Bakugo's short fuse ran out and he yelled at the fog machine to shut up and launched an attack with the red headed rock right beside him. They seemingly disappeared into the smoke and Ray angrily clicks his tongue as he has no idea where they were sent. With the speediest kid standing beside him, he puts his hand on their armor covered shoulder and whispers in his ear, "When I hit the villian with my arrow, grab two students and get out of here. Only return is you see another chance to saw a few more of your classmates. Their safety is what matters most and leave the rest to me." Without waiting for an answer, Ray pulls out his bow and connects a special arrow head to the tip. He pulls back and releases the bow and hissed "now!" to the boy.

As Sonic zooms away with material girl and gravity girl, his arrow hits its mark and the fog man begins to twitch as electricity flows throughout his metal neck collar. The man yells in pain and throws the fog his way and he is too late to escape the attack. Next thing Ray knows, he can feel himself falling and lands on the ground with a thud. Looking up, Ray quickly jumps to his feet and creates as much room between him and handy man without catching the attention of the thugs attacking the tired hero. A small object is tossed his way and drops at his feet as two beady red eyes stare him down. "It's time for a rematch boss level one, and this time no heroes are here to help save you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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